Does anybody else get pelvic and lower abdominal pain when there ovulating ? I feel like I’m going to have another period it’s so bad. I just can’t shift it and I tried my hot water bottle last night and for some reason it made it a million times worse 😔😔
Pain on ovulation with Endo?: Does anybody... - Endometriosis UK
Pain on ovulation with Endo?

I find for me ovulation is worse than periods. I can only say it feels like my ovaries are exploding and sending shooting pains throughout my whole body.
Yes I’m the same. Ovulation is definitely more painful than my periods xx
I’m the same however not as painful for me as actual period.
Hope you feel better xx
I feel some months like something is bursting inside of me, i can’t move. Luckily the severe pain is normally short lived followed by twinges and sharp pains for the rest of the day.
I used to get this before having surgery to excise the endo... told my gp about it and he said it was ‘normal’ to have pain when ovulating... my consultant disagreed lol. Look into getting your intolerances tested if you can lovely, I did and cut out a lot of what I was intolerant to, which helps to reduce inflammation in your body, making endo pain less extreme 👍 xxxx
It’s so painful this has deffo been the worst month by far heat made it worse which I thought was weird, I will do thankyou I know that bread and pasta etc doesn’t help sometimes but I have to eat it because I’m diabetic type 1 so carbs r really important for me hahahaha xxx
Oh wow so you’ve got that to contend with too! Mine had things on there that you wouldn’t think twice about eating, like tomatoes and peaches! So it’s well worth doing, keep an eye on groupon and sites like that for offers. I also take a good quality probiotic tablet everyday, as a lot of problems start with the bowel lining being compromised and toxins getting into the bloodstream...
I’m sure I could write a book with all the things I’ve learned in the last few years! Endo destroyed one of my tubes so had to have surgery to remove it, and it also meant I had to go through IVF to start a family. 5 years later I’m currently 25 weeks pregnant and so much more clued up than I used to be xxxx
I get it the week leading up to ovulation and the week after its so cruel im suffering as we speak ive had it to the point i cant stand up ive crumbled to the floor with it
I have pain all month long but it ranges from horrendous period cramps to sharp pains during ovulation or a dull discomfort feeling.
Nothing helps to get rid of any pain. I’ve been in the pain the last 5 days and it feels like a dull ache with sharp pains and pressure feeling. Honestly have no clue what it is.
You’re not alone in this and being a girl sucks haha
Yeah I’m the same it’s just got worse the past couple of months I had Endo in 2014 in pod not long had mri to see if it’s deeper this time before I go for 2nd lap yeah being a girl is shit 🤣🤣🤣 xx
I’m waiting for my first lap to see if I have endo or not but my symptoms do match it. Literally I’m curled in a ball rn in agony 😫 xx
I think you no yourself if somethings not right no one listened to me back in 2014 it took over a year to get sorted I hope you get sorted soon I had me Endo removed and luckily my symptoms have only been back really bad recently I got 3 years practically symptom free after it but everyone’s different xxx
Yep, just had period last week, ovulating now, and dull achy low pain is nagging and getting worse. Much like period pain. Having a hot bath, but it’s not helping. Will pop some naproxen in a minute. Had a lap last year, but pains returned after 4 months. Been having acupuncture since Jan to alleviate, which it has until now. 😖😞
It’s a nightmare honestly my next gyny app isn’t until may either but even if I need another lap I’m going to be waiting awhile because I’m type 1 diabetic and still uncontrolled with that. But you explained the pain perfectly 😩😩 I tried my hot water bottle and I couldn’t even keep it on me it made the pain worse and I don’t understand why 😔 sometimes if u put a couple of pillows under your knees to elevate your legs that helps abit. Thankyou for replying xx
I’ll try the pillows, because now I feel nauseous. I’ve already been told my consultant won’t consider a second lap, so I’ve got some kind of injected drug I can try, but you need HRT with it; or progesterone pill; or hysterectomy - I’m only 37, I really don’t want to do that. I was told if the pain is that bad, I should head to a&e for the strongest painkillers.
Yeah give it a try might not work but worth a go, they mentioned an injection to me can’t remember what it’s called I hope you manage to get sorted some way xx
Same for me, i got a lap last year and right after my surgery i had an induce menopause..... with zoladex for 3 months and for 8 month didnt got my period till this month, so far its good...
How did you get on with Zolodex? That’s the name of the one my gynae recommended as a next step. Did you take HRT with it? And although you only have it for 3 months, is it expected to have longer term effects? It sounds like it has done for you...
Hi Natalie. I have pain when ovulating and also I bleed so for me it feels like I am on my period all the time as there aren't many days when I am not bleeding x
That sounds horrible feel your pain 😩 I used to get irregular bleeding like very light pink but that’s stopped sometimes my periods r irregular or I can have 2 in one month other months there regular for a while my last period I had I bled for 8 days really heavy then 7 days after I finished (sorry for the detail) I had a bleed but it was black and sticky don’t no what it was they just seem to get worse all the time xx