I'm not a fan of the medical treatments as I'm so sensitive to artificial hormones. However, has anyone tried prometrium/utrogestan? It seems to be the most identical to natural progesterone.
anyone used Prometrium/Utrogestan? - Endometriosis UK
anyone used Prometrium/Utrogestan?

I have been taking utrogestan for about a year and I have severe endometriosis and adenomyosis. It has taken the edge off the painful and heavy periods, allowing me to hold down a full time job but I am now waiting for a hysterectomy as my endo and adeno has got worse. I found them to be better for my body and moods than going on the pill but it does mean you still have periods (although they were lighter and better than before for me with utrogestan). Like all the other hormone treatments available, there are risks and side effects which I would research before taking them. My consultant was concerned about my bone health with utrogestan but he is also worried about that with my hyst, so not much I can do about that. He also mentioned that it could mask breast cancer but I couldn't find much about that online. Hope it all works out for you whatever you decide.
Prometrium (Progesterone) or Utrogestan, same thing. I am 8w, and have been on Prometrium since 5 dpo. Everything is fine here. It is pretty commonly prescribed for low progesterone levels to help avoid m/c until the placenta takes over progesterone production.
I don't have insurance, so I get Prometrium (Progesterone) online to save money.
The website where I found Prometrium is thetopwebonline.net/go/Prom...
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