What can I expect if I choose not to go o... - Endometriosis UK

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What can I expect if I choose not to go on the pill for 3 months after Lap surgery?

ohdearkatt profile image
4 Replies

Hello all,

I had a diagnostic laparoscopy 10 days ago, where the consultant found and excised patches of endometriosis. I was pretty out of it when he came and showed me the pictures etc (hadn't been awake long and had just been given extra morphine!) but I think he said there was some my uterus itself and several on my pelvic wall.

He told me that - despite my misgivings (explained later) - I should go on the combined pill for 3 months back to back to help my recovery before coming off so my husband and I can try to conceive. He said it was ultimately my decision, but it would mean an easier recovery and longer before the endo grows back.

[To cut a *very* long story short, hormonal contraceptives REALLY don't agree with me, and I am currently almost off the antidepressants I was on by necessity from my hideous years with the Mirena Coil (which was AMAZING for the physical symptoms... just ruined my life in every other way!).]

I always do absolutely everything in my power to follow doctors' orders, and it wasn't the same pill as before, so I agreed to the course of 3 months, thinking it wouldn't be so bad. After a week, my mum could already hear the telltale change in my voice when I spoke to her; I was completely down and feeling hopeless again. If it was my first time on hormonal contraceptives, I would have powered through, but I literally CANNOT go through this again. So I have made the decision to stop them.

I know not everyone gets put immediately on birth control, and some will have made the decision not to take them, so I was wondering what I can expect from my first few periods without? Also, longer term, how much is it likely to affect regrowth?

Thank you :)

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4 Replies

The concern would be if you don’t have any ongoing treatment your endo is more likely to reoccur.

I was exactly the same with hormone treatments, I react really badly to them. :( xxx

ohdearkatt profile image
ohdearkatt in reply to

Yeah I thought so :( My husband and I want to try to conceive when I'm better (we figured having the surgery would give a relatively pain-free window and/ or let us know the state of things), but it's the interim period before I'm healed that could be problematic without treatment, especially if it takes a long time to get pregnant too.

It's that old Catch 22... Physical pain with good MH, or mental pain with good physical health :( I am a secondary school teacher in an core subject, with some additional responsibilities, which is hideously stressful so going back to how mentally ill I was before just isn't an option for me! BUT opting for the physical pain to preserve mental means more time off work and a higher likelihood of losing my job :(

Stupid endo!!! :( xxx

luthien profile image

How long were you on the pill before? As there is research to show that stopping the pill after taking it for years means it can take up to a year for normal cycles to resume with an egg release.

Taking the pill during recovery wont exactly give you an idea about how your body is with the endo. Also even though its removed it's always there, so pills / pregnancy wont cure it juat put it into hibernation. You were right to have the op but now you need the time to get used to you, the symptoms and signs as that will help plan the future.

The first few periods without - i havent been on the pill for years, but after surgery it did hurt more as in i felt like the surgery hadnt done anything. But considering they removed lots its going to hurt. It can take up to 3 months to be 100 percent. I'm feeling better than before and can now work out what and when endo symtoms appear. Just remember the body wont be able to tell whats endo pain and whats removal of endo pain so it will feel like nothings changed, give it a few weeks.

Docs cant make you do or take anything. Its your decision. If you react badly to the pill then is it worth the side effects? If so thats fine. But if you dont know how you feel after the op you wont be able to make that choice. If the doc has removed a lot of it why does he feel you need the pill straight after? It wont stop recovery pain or make it any quicker as anything you feel now could be directly from the op.

There are lots of women that manage endo symptoms with dietary / non medical changes including alternative therapies. Have a look at the other post categories :)

Just some thoughts.

ohdearkatt profile image
ohdearkatt in reply to luthien

Thank you for your detailed reply :)

I was finally put on the pill between the ages of 18 and 24 for 'painful periods', which I had been seeing my GP about regularly since the age of 16. Then I had the coil fitted after an internal ultrasound showed my ovary was stuck to my womb, and kept that in for just over 4 years. Then I couldn't handle the MH side effects anymore so I came off it and got another referral to gynae. I think return to normal fertility is quicker with the coil, but I was on the pill for a long time before so... who knows!

Yeah I think I needed to hear all of that side since I'm such a wuss about not following 'the rules' haha...! I decided it wasn't worth it after a week. I'm expecting a painful experience first time around or even first few times post-surgery. I know I'll never be 'cured' but it was important for me to have the surgery so I could have the official diagnosis if nothing else.

I also thought at the time it didn't seem right that taking the pill would mean a longer 'clear' time; I guess the 'clear' time would only be the 3 months it was paused for! It's a shame I was so addled when he explained everything; I would have asked more questions!

I'm going to look into the diet to manage symptoms, I think :)


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