Hello everyone! I wanted to get your advice on something.
I recently had a miscarriage (at 10 weeks) and I have a small chocolate cyst (5 cm x 4 cm) on my right ovary. The doctor at the hospital here in the UK said that since it was small, it doesn't need to be removed yet but that I should get it checked out every 6 months. My doctor in Turkey - a very good doctor - was willing to get it operated via a laparoscopic surgery. I initially told the doctor I wanted to have it removed, because I read online (and doctors confirmed) that these cysts can cause infertility in some women. But my UK doctor says a surgery at this stage is not needed, so he advised me against it. He said that this cyst won't be an obstacle to getting pregnant, since we have 2 ovaries and I clearly don't have trouble getting pregnant.
I just wanted to make sure that everything is alright before we start trying for a baby again. Has anyone been in a similar situation, or known someone who has? I have put the surgery on hold for now, but I'm worried that having that small cyst there might make it more difficult to get pregnant. (FYI I'm 31 years old and this was my first pregnancy, we got pregnant after 7 months of trying.)