I had a diagnostic laparoscopy on Friday 22nd and was diagnosed with endometriosis. I had a complication in surgery where they punctured my bowel. They took the stitches out yesterday but it has popped open and keeps bleeding/weeping. I have tried using steri strips and been back to my GP but they dont seem to be listening. Can anyone give me suggestions for keeping my wound closed,clean and to stop bleeding. Thanks!
Laparoscopy incisions.: I had a diagnostic... - Endometriosis UK
Laparoscopy incisions.
This is my first post, as I'm a newbie to this site. Hopefully I can help you a little!
I had nearly the exact complications after my laparoscopy in January.
I have endometriosis on my bowel, not a puncture like yourself, so I can't imagine what that must feel like for you.
My incision burst due to a small blood clot that formed, during or after, my procedure. (Hemo something- its driving me crazy, but I can not remember the exact medical term, apologies!)
I had felt a marble size ball behind the incision, which I brought to their attention, but nurse said this was normal. (Seems to always be my case! 😳) I had serious bruising around the 'marble' and it was really warm when you touched
Not sure if you have any of this, but all of these little things turned out to be signs that were missed in my case.
I honestly went back 3-4 times to surgeons. Of course, the doctor who performed the actual laparoscopy was too busy to look at the incision after it burst open. Unfortunately, I was seen by the 'on call' doctor/nurse, who basically said I was just 'hormonal and crazy'! (As if I needed a reminder!! 😬) He told me to leave the incision completely uncovered. He even said if I covered it, he would not see me again bc I was risking my own recovery. It was absolutely horrid and looked/felt disgusting! After developing a high fever, I was admitted into the hospital because the wound was infected and started to spread..
In my case, The infection was partly due to the blood clot that formed, so this may not at all be your case!!
One thing I wish I had done was take my body temperature, as well as jot down my symptoms.
You know your body best and if you feel something is not right, even slightly, you need to be checked out. You're not crazy or alone! 😊
I hope you getter better asap! All the best, Lauren xx