How long was your first laparoscopy operation? To see if there actually was any endometriosis? I've been forwarded for one two days ago. Nervous to say the least in case they see nothing. Also I'm getting the picture done whilst there
Laparoscopy operation : How long was your... - Endometriosis UK
Laparoscopy operation

Hey! I had my first laparoscopy in March 2016 & it was purely diagnostic as the endo was too bad for them too remove during that operation. The gynae basically was only able to free one ovary from the endo and moved around all the organs and took a lot of pictures in order to prep for the next operation. It was a day case and I was in in and out within 12 hours. Recovery took around 6-8 weeks in total, by that I mean not having any pain in my torso (internally or on the wound sites) & being able to sit up for long periods of time without feeling a "pulling" sensation down below. To be honest, i think my recovery took a while compared to other people, my sister has the same condition; after her first diagnostic laparoscopy she was up & running in a week! I guess it really just depends on what they find and the person.
Good luck with the operation! Don't worry though, you'll be in & out of there. Once you wake up, it'll all be over and done with
Hi. I had a diagnostic lap 16 days ago. My endo is quite severe so being referred to an endo centre/specialist. The longest part was waiting to be called to go for surgery... it's about a one hour operation but add on an hour after for recovery before going back on the ward. Normally they are day cases, so you can get home to your own bed after. My recovery has been pretty good, the incisions have healed well, the worse pain for me was the gas pain, it comes out through your shoulder, so have some ibroprofen on stand by..! I would also recommend drinking peppermint tea to help and eat dates to help get the bowels moving after.
GoodLuck and honestly, try not to worry. xx
I've had the pain all day. It's been like a dull by constant. I'm kinda hoping it is it just so at least the pain has been something I'll be more bothered if it's done and is nothing
The actual procedure is usually an hour, perhaps 90 minutes with minor treatment and you are typically a day case unless you can't pee or eat.
I had a small ovarian cyst treated at my diagnostic lap. I was kept in overnight after as I struggled with the analgesia and couldn't wee for hours.
It took me 5 weeks to get back to work which is a bit longer than average but my Endo was severe and I had developed CFS.
How did you struggle afterwards? I can't wait for my operation as I just want to know what's what. I've had on and of a strange sensation going down one of my legs....I've read a lot of people say that. And I've felt like for a couple of weeks what feels like a stitch on my left hand side? I've read afew people feeling like that to
Yes they can be symptoms I believe.
I had some reaction to either the analgesia or morphine and was brought round rapidly with breathing issues and in extreme pain as they didn't get time to get pain relief balanced before bringing me round, I spent longer than usual in recovery. It may just have been that I am a bit sensitive and quite slight so the dose was a little generous. I also couldn't wee after or sit up so was kept in overnight.
I met the anaesthetist in advance of my major op as it had made me nervous and he said nothing was noted down so it can't have been very serious.
It definitely did not happen like that on my second op, which was major surgery. I had a smooth emergence from anaesthesia was on a PCA and was catheterised all of which meant it was much less traumatic despite being a far more extensive surgery.
I remember I was quite poorly after an operation last year to remove a polyp out my womb I woke up throwing up and shaking badly and they said I was dehydrated. I was the last to be discharged out the day cases. Yeah it's like a constant stitch ATM I feel like I have