Hey ladies.
So if you read my earlier post you'll see I had some trouble with work. I had my back to work meeting with my team leader today and I feel a bit better but not much.
They HATE the fact I am on morphine and they seem to think I am unable to work on it despite me telling them I've been working on it since I started!!!
I've got let away to go to the doctors to get a note saying I need phased return but they also said this isn't a permanent thing like I was stupid? I'm only asking for maybe a week of shorter hours just until I get adjusted again.
I felt very pushed, almost like they were pushing me to the decision that I ament fit for work although I truly believe I am and my doctor agrees that I am.
They've made me feel terribly guilty for asking for more time than I thought to recover and I just feel absolutely awful.
I think they think that because I'm on morphine I'm not able to work, that I'm going to be high and not fit for when when in reality, the morphine is the only thing that allows me to work as it controls my pain!!!
I'm really struggling. I really enjoyed this job and I thought they were supportive but now them knowing I might be waiting months to see a specialist and be on morphine every they don't want to know me!!
Needed a little rant!!