So I have my lap on Monday!!
Long awaited and almost deffinate that I have endometriosis as I have many of the classic symptoms:
Painful periods where I can't even walk
Back pain (throbbing lower back before period)
Painful sex
Sharp stabbing pains in my rectum every time I am on my period
Groin pain that radiates down to my legs
Blood in my urine when I'm on my period and a really painful bladder near enough all the time
Really bad pms and anxiety
A retroverted uterus (classic sign of endometriosis in the POD)
The list goes on and on and on...
All my close friends and work friends know I'm going in for it and everyone is saying "let us know how you get on"....
Well.. If it's bad news and I do get diagnosed with it... I just don't know what to tell people?
"I've been diagnosed with endometriosis"... It's not an easy thing to tell people really is it because most people associate it with infertility etc and I think it would just be arkward for everyone to know and for everyone to be assuming I might struggle to get pregnant or that I might be now 'trying to get pregnant' because I have endometriosis...
I wanted to keep the lap private but seems as its Christmas and I won't be out boozing with work or my friends I had to tell them I was going for an operation so wouldn't be able to make the numerous meals and nights out planned.. I'm only 22 so to NOT be out at Christmas it's almost impossible to think of excuses!!
Has anyone any advice of what I should tell people if I do happen to be diagnosed!?
Also, any aftercare advice would be much appreciated... So nervous!!!
My partner of over 5 years is coming with me on Monday so I feel I have loads of support on the actual day... Just a really scary time and just feeling like I'm in a whirlwind with it all...