Hi guys,
I'm new here and writing in desperation! I apologise now as this post may be rather long!
Firstly, I'm 22 , female, have the mirena coil, and a 2 year old girl.
I have been in severe pain for 4 weeks now, my gp originally said I had a uti.. Which she treated with antibiotics, the pain got worse, so I went back to see her, and she sent me to the acute medical unit at the hospital. I was there for 2 days, had blood tests, urine tests, swabs and 3 ultrasounds. All came back clear so I was discharged.
The surgeon at the hospital told me to check for my coil whilst at home and if I could find it- go to the GUM clinic to get it checked out. So I did. Whilst at the clinic they confirmed the coil was fine, in the correct place etc, but because of the pain I was in during an internal they were going to treat me for PID. So another 2 weeks of antibiotics. With no help with the pain!
After the first week I started to notice other symptoms such as , sore boobs, extreme tiredness and mood swings, and bleeding from my bum. So I explained all of this to my gp, and she sent me straight over to the gyne Assesment unit. The doctor just sat me down, asked me a few questions, told me it could be endometriosis and sent me home- he said "if the pain gets worse in the next couple of weeks just go back to your gp" (thanks!)
Anyway, on Tuesday (yesterday) I had a review at the GUM clinic regarding my PID diagnosis, and they decided that I needed to be referred straight back to gyne because something wasn't right, so back to the gyne unit I went.
I had more internals, an internal scan which were all putting me in severe pain and tears! And still no one could but a finger on what was going on, so I got sent to the surgical ward... Where the consultant said he Wouldn't give me a ct scan for "belly ache" and that I would probably get better in a couple of weeks. At this point I broke down, because not only have I been pumping my body full of antibiotics, I cannot control the pain, and it is disrupting my family and work life, he agreed to do a laproscapy in the end but didn't sound confident he would find anything- I'm waiting for a call from the hospital today with an op date.
My question is, from your experience, do my symptoms (listed below) sound like endo?
Pelvic pain, lower abdo pain and ache , lower back ache, top leg soreness, waves of pain up the sides of stomach, extreme tiredness, difficulty walking, nausea, painful sex, painful examinations.
Sorry for the essay! I'm just scared and fed up and would love some friendly advise!!
Thanks in advance xxxxxx