I have been suffering from pelvic pain for quite a few months now. It's predominantly left sided and j also have terrible back lower ache and sometimes what feels like sciatica. I am pretty much constantly bloated and get a feeling like I have cystitis quite regularly.
I saw my GP a month ago. She gave me cocodamol and sent me for blood tests and a scan. My ca125 blood result came back abnormal (70) and my scan was brought forward.
The scan appeared normal so OC has been ruled out however because of my ca125 and the pain I was refered to gyne and given naproxen and tramadol for the pain.
I saw the consultant 2 days ago. I didn't feel he took my symptoms very seriously. He did mention endo but said because I didn't have pain when he did an internal examination, because I have had 3 children and because my pain is pretty constant he thinks it's more likely to be bowel related.
I don't have and problems going to the toilet apart from a little constipation at times which I put down to my diet. My pain does worsten at the time of my period ( I had to take the day off work last month) and my bleeding is quite heavy. I also bleed after intercourse sometimes and it can be painful. I was on the pill for 14 years I stopped taking it about 8 months ago ( I read that this can mask the pain of endo? So j could have possibly had it longer??? )
Anyway he has given me some fybrogel and told me to come back in 6 weeks. I was just hoping for some advice really as the pain is depressing me. I'm exhausted and just want to know if my symptoms sound right for endo or am I just trying to diagnose myself to have some reason for the pain?
Sorry for the rant, I'd really appreciate any advice