Hello, I'm new at this forum, I'm 31 and I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis last week. Both tubes are blocked. My gynecologist suggested IVF and I need to read successful stories to make me feel better, thank you!
IVF success after laparoscopy, endometrio... - Endometriosis UK
IVF success after laparoscopy, endometriosis and blocked fallopian tubes?
I can't offer a success story, but I can offer some sympathy and let you know you're not alone. I had my second lap last week to remove severe endo, adhesions and cyst. During my first lap last year, they found that both my tubes were clear, but sadly this time around, only one remains clear.
So I'll probably be on that same journey as you soon, failing a miracle.
Good luck, I hope someone comes along soon with some positive stories xx
Hello, I don't have a success story (yet) either but I am in a similar position to you, newly diagnosed and trying to conceive. Wish you lots of luck! Being only 31 I think puts you in a good position for IVF.
Hello. I was in exactly the same boat as you two years ago but Ivf worked for me and I now have 6 month old twin girls. If you have a look at my posts you will see that my story is similar to yours but I also had low Amh and high fsh.
I wish we could see into the future because it would stop so much heartbreak and turmoil if you knew that you could get there in the end. Lots of luck and if you have any questions, please shout xx
Thank you for your encourages comments and for share your story! Today I had my basal scan for counting antral follicles and there was 2 in the left ovary (the one that had cyst excised) and 5 in the left one. Now I'm waiting for the AMH and FSH results...but I was waiting for more follicles
Thank you again!