Hi all.
I'm 21 years old and haven't officially been diagnosed with endo... My GP has passed me to a gynocologist as she isn't sure what's wrong as I have varied symptoms and varicous veins in my pelvis. She seems to think it's endo... I had a few questions about people pains if people wouldn't mind? I'll give a basic breakdown below and any similar experiences or pains or advice would be great please - I'm going crazy with worry as I still have no diagnosis and I'm too young for a smear test etc - which isn't great when you suffer from anxiety which in turn triggers your IBS (I know moan moan moan right!?)
So pretty much daily I have had the below:
Groin pains (shooting and dull ache both sides)
Thigh pains (shooting and dull ache)
Hip pain (or so it feels, it's hard to tell when it radiates around can even feel like stomach ache)
They all range in severity with some days worse than others.
On and off I have the below:
Period style cramps (at random times and days)
Sharp pain in the back of my thigh
Sharp pain in my pubic bone area
Pain during sex deep feeling almost as if in my lower abdomen - but not always
Sometimes bleeding during/after sex again not always
Do these sound right to anyone or do I have a bigger cause for concern? For the past 4 weeks I have been in pretty much daily pain out of the blue. I'm 21, been on the pill 4 years and have never been pregnant if that makes any difference?
Any guidance on the pains and stuff would be great. Just concerned about the shooting/aching in my groin and I've also now noticed a small hard painless lump under the skin on either side of my groin.... Sorry for all the info, I'm just a little scared and pained!
Thanks everyone and I wish you all well xxx