Hey everyone! In need of some advice please 😊 I had endo diagnosed September 2018 and had it removed. Over the last few months I have been getting pain in my left buttock, hip and sometimes into my thigh. It's not sharp pain, more like a constant burning. Like a burning, bruised, muscle kinda ache/pain. Hard to explain! Has anyone else experienced this? I don't know if this could be regrowth of my endo possibly? Thanks 🙏

Is it worse during evening?
I had stage 4 rectovaginal endo removed in Sep 18 and since then have the exact same sharp throbbing pain in my left glute after a period.
I’ve spoken to my consultant about it and he thinks it’s endo pressing on a nerve so I’m sure yours is most likely the same.
Unless you want to treat it, I think all you can is take painkillers and those that specifically deal with nerve pain.
Hi, i am currently experiencing the exact same pain but in my right ovary, buttock, hip and thigh. It starts in my ovary and travels down to my knee, with pain radiating everywhere in those areas. I had a laparoscopy in April amd the surgeon removed all endo he could see... i also had a mirena coil inserted... the pain is worse than my endo pain... minus the heavy bleading which had stopped the last 2 months. I am fed up of taking pain killers that are not even helping with the pain. What could this be? I had a internal scan done a few weeks ago... however it came back as all normal. I feel like im going mad 😢
Yeah it's frustrating. I've heard that the internal ultrasound scans aren't 100% accurate as they don't always show endometriosis on the scan. When I had an internal scan over a year ago it didn't show any endometriosis but the consultant suspected endo due to my symptoms and did a laparoscopy which found it on my appendix and in my pelvis. You know your own body. And you know if something doesn't feel right. X