Hi everyone I’d appreciate any answers if anyone has any experience regarding this..
I’m undergoing a lot of different tests trying to get to the bottom of pain, I’ve always suspected endo but the doctors think it could just be cysts.. I’m worried if it is a cyst why is it so sore and so persistent now more than ever? Used to be just random shooting pains but the last two weeks I’m feeling the pain every day sharp pulsing like pains in left side that make me jump, and now period like pains on and off in my right side and middle lower pelvic almost near pubic bone? It’s interfering with my life and I feel so down, ultrasound isn’t until end of Feb😩
Don’t know if I was to go to the gyne A&E would I be seen to right away? And get an ultrasound with in a few hours? I just want the pain to go away! Also got pain behind ribs and an ache up left side of stomach and upper back.
Oh and my hip bones are really tender to touch I feel bruised, wondering if it could be an endo flare up or ruptured cyst?