Hi, I was just wondering if anyone else suffers with nausea? I get it every single day with some days being absolutely horrific that I'm even too scared to move! If so can anyone give any advice on what may help? Many thanks!☺️
Nausea...: Hi, I was just wondering if... - Endometriosis UK

Had a severe bout of nausea for a good few weeks from mid Nov - start Jan (improved, but still not great). I've found that ginger really helps, I take ginger capsules and gingin sweets for out & about.
Yes! Pretty much ever night coming up to my period and throughout! It's terrible. I usually carry anti sickness tablets with me and also suck peppermint to help. Hope this helps xx
Hey I get this too! It's definitely worse during ovulation and my period. Going to speak to gynae tomorrow to see what they say. From what I've read online ginger is really meant to help x
I've been suffering with this daily lately and it coincides with my endo flaring up too. I do have anti sickness tablets for it. Will be looking at ginger now though x
Hi I had this. I found not allowing yourself to get hungry helps. Travel sickness bands are good if worn for awhile. I also had acupuncture at its worst and took nux vom homeopathic remedies. I'm not normally that into alternative therapies but anti sickness tablets didn't help
Yes everyday for the last 2 years!!! I tried multiple anti nausea tablets and FINALLY settled on domperidone and when really bad ondansetron. I bought an acid reflux wedge pillow to prop me up when I felt sick going to bed... Also lay on your left side (the opening from the stomach to the oesophogus is on the right hand side) it tips the stomach acid away from the opening... I found boling water and fresh ginger helped to alleviate nausea. Nothing ever really got rid of it though. It is truely miserable and my heart goes out to you... No-one understands what it feels like to feel sick all of the time. I do hunny so if you need to ask me anything or just blow off steam then feel free to contact me... I had surgery in December to remove Endo and so far so good... I haven't felt sick once!! UNHEARD OF!!! I wish you the best of luck XXX
Seems to be quite common with endo, I had it for a time they tried different things one was prochlorperazine, metrocopramide, peppermint tablets, laxidos. I now only take laxidos when on period as I clog up then...got told by a gp that can't happen when I mentioned it! well it does! To be honest I still have days where I am sick or feeling nauseated! xxx
Thankyou everyone for your replies! I do have two types of anti sickness tabs and they do work to a certain extent but I would love just one day without feeling sick tbh! The doctors never really seem to take it seriously either I find which is extremely frustrating as it's the thing that stops me being able to do most things! But I will defo try the ginger! Thanks!☺️