Hi everyone,
I had my first Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy on 15th October and severe widespread Endo and adhesions was confirmed (2 nodules removed), along with Adenomyosis. I was diagnosed with PCOS 5 years ago. When the consultant came around after the surgery she said that my options were to try hormone treatment or opt for a hysterectomy. At 38 years old and with two teenage children, I had already made up my mind that I would go straight for the hysterectomy if it was offered. The past few years have been the worst of my life and I just want to get some kind of normality back. She said to think about it but I told her I was certain.
I went for my 6 week post op check last Thursday to find that she has gone full circle and said that I had to have 6 months worth of Zoladex injections and if they didn't work then she wouldn't be doing the hysterectomy as there would be no point. I had my first injection there and then and left the appointment feeling extremely dejected. Whilst I appreciate that a hysterectomy does not cure Endo, I was told that it is the only way of curing Adenomyosis.
For many months now the level of pain and bleeding has been horrendous, and I have ovulation bleeds and pain too. I am so exhausted that I can barely function and actually fell asleep at the wheel taking my son to college last week. As a single mother I have to work full time to support us but my performance at work has dropped to the point that I am now under review. I have only been in my job for 2 years so my sick pay package is very low and I cannot afford to take time off sick.
Today has been a horrendous day for me and I have spent it crying and feeling helpless. The housework is piling up around me as by the time Ive done a full week at work, I'm so exhausted that I cant manage it. Im fed up of being so exhausted and in constant pain and feel like such a useless mother most of the time as Im always ill.
Im really hoping that this is just a reaction to the first injection of Zoladex and that it will improve with further treatments.
I am trying to be positive and think of those whose lives are so much harder and more difficult than mine but at the moment my hormones have got a mind of their own and I seem to be full of self pity. Has anyone else experienced this after Zoladex injections and if so, did it improve the more treatments you had?
I already suffer from extreme depression and had a breakdown 8 years ago. Ive been on a high dose of medication since then, which has helped but I cant face feeling like this on top of everything else.
Thanks for listening to my moan.