Feeling down :(: Hey. I had a laparoscopy... - Endometriosis UK

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Feeling down :(

Emily11 profile image
32 Replies


I had a laparoscopy on Tuesday an found out I have endometriosis and had it removed. Since the op I have felt really low about myself. I was put on the pill 6 months ago to try and help with symptoms when my gaenocologist first suspected it. Is it normal to feel low? Any advice would be really greatful :)

Thank you

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Emily11 profile image
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32 Replies
LauraB_04 profile image

Hey Emily11,

Feel for you - I think feeling a bit low can kind of come with the Op (I've had 2 laps now), but don't feel bad about yourself - you deserve to pamper yourself right now!

Do you have anyone helping to look after you? My friend sprung a surprise visit on me last time which I knew nothing about, which I think really helped - just to keep your mind off things and help get back to 'normal,' if you have some nearby maybe they could come and help cheer you up (they say laughter is the best medicine, even if it is a bit sore!!!)? xx :-)

Keep resting - get plenty of sleep & I hope you start to feel better soon... hugs, Laura xx

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to LauraB_04

Hey yeah I live with family so have people around. Thank you for commenting :) it's my first time writing something so it's nice to know there's people out there with similar situations :) I've been feeling quite low the past 6 months and don't really go well with the pill but have been put back on one :(


LauraB_04 profile image
LauraB_04 in reply to Emily11

Aww, that's good, make sure they spoil you!

Yes, there are so many of us - I felt so low and alone a couple of months back - a lot of my 'friends' stopped talking to me (you quickly find out who the real ones are!!) & nobody understood what I was going through - they couldn't understand why after I had the lap I'm still feeling ill! But then I stumbled across here & it really does help :-)

Keep strong & try to keep yourself busy (not doing hard work though!) x

I didn't agree with the pill at all either :-( I'm fed up of popping pills & being injected... got a Mirena at the moment, having Zoladex (with no HRT) & Norethisterone, as my Hormes will NOT behave themselves & stop my bleeding :'(

What troubles do you have with the pill? It used to give me horrid headaches :-|


Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to LauraB_04

Hey I did reply to this comment but not sure if you saw it as I can't see it now? Xxx

Sunshine_1976 profile image

Yes I did Hun.

Later found my thyroid function was low and been on meds since - helped so much. It's common to have hypothyroidism with endo xx

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to Sunshine_1976

Okay thank you may get checked xxx

RedMae84 profile image

Hi, i'm sorry to hear that, surgery is not an easy thing to experience. I had mine this June, on the second day, when I started to walk, I felt so down I just burst out crying, this continued on and off a few weeks after. I was also back to back on the pill (still am, because I have another cyst to remove). It's good to have some help and just talk about it with someone when you feel down, remember your body is going through so much and it's a difficult thing to go through. Try do things that will make you relax or at least feel a bit better, like music or watching your fav TV show. Try be around people if and when you can.

I was lucky to have my mum and mother in law switch days and look after me, as my recovery took longer than expected, I didn't have to list a finger, and my lovely hubby was there to help and listen to me.

I wish you the best :)

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to RedMae84

Hey, Glad I'm not the only one! Feel like such a crazy girl walking around crying and feeling so low :( does the pill make you feel down personally? I don't know if it's that which is contributing to me feeling rubbish xxx

RedMae84 profile image
RedMae84 in reply to Emily11

Don't feel like bad about it, this is pretty normal. I also felt seeing my body change so drastically, affected me a lot .

I know my prostap made me feel terrible, so that and the pill combined was a nightmare. Now I'm just on the pill, but I think it definitely makes you feel crappy, my boobs are always sore, I'm swollen in my ankles and feet and feel like it makes my mood go up and down. It sucks!

Emily11 profile image

Yeah that's exactly right! One minute I'm laughing and joking and the next crying and feeling rubbish about myself :( it's just annoying not being able to control my emotions :( what stage endemetriosis do you have if you don't mind me asking? Xx

RedMae84 profile image
RedMae84 in reply to Emily11

I've been feeling that a lot these past few weeks, so I just let myself cry and then try talk to my husband or someone to just release my emotions, I have just had to come to terms that this is part of the endo. I would suggest, try start mild yoga and meditation, I find this helps me carry on throughout the day without feeling overwhelmed or emotional, I have stopped these past few days but it's only 'coz I'm having a lot of pain :(

Of course I don't mind, I have stage 4, I had one on the right side( removed successfully) but the one on my left side is attached to the bowel and I need a specialist to do this procedure :( I think what was most depressing for me, was knowing that after the surgery things wouldn't have changed, because I still had the cyst and the worst is knowing I have to do the surgery all over again... ahhh

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to RedMae84

Yeah maybe I will try yoga or something, thank you :) I just feel like such a winger at times because people don't seem to understand how painful it is. Awe poor you :( how long do you have to wait for the second op? X

RedMae84 profile image
RedMae84 in reply to Emily11

I hope you feel better and things get better :) I hear you I think people say they understand, but not really unless you are going through the same thing. Everything in your life changes drastically and for everyone else it's the same, so I guess it can be difficult to fully understand. I wanted to be able to meet other people going through it, sometimes helps,I know there is a group meeting thing endometriosis UK do, but I don't hear many ladies talking a about it, so not sure how many attend or how it is.

i'm not sure, I have the appointment in a few weeks with an endo/bowel specialist, however if I find the surgery will be too long, I luckily have the option of going private with my healthcare provider, and won't cost me. I just feel like I can't wait any longer, I'm also still recovering from a spinal injury so the everything affects my left side, haha..the joy!

Anyway on a side note, if you ever feel down or anything and have no one to vent at, I'm more than happy to chat, you may message me anytime here or make another post, the ladies here are super understanding :)

Emily11 profile image

Yeah I guess it's hard for people to understand as they don't have it. Yeah I went private in the end because my doctors weren't being that great. I then got seen really quick and a cyst ruptured and I got to see my specialist that very same day and was them scheduled for my laparoscopy 10 days later! Yeah thank you it has been really nice to talk to you about it so messaging would be good if you don't mind :) oh no back injury too, you really are going through it aren't you :( hopefully they will sort it so you aren't in pain xxx

RedMae84 profile image
RedMae84 in reply to Emily11

Oh my gosh, ruptured cyst sounds so awful :( It really is terrible that you have to be forced to go privately, some women wait so long just to get an appointment, they take this very lightly.

Yes, feel free anytime to have a chat :) I hope you are starting to feel a bit better xx

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to RedMae84

Yeah and my first scan they said nothing was there and when I went back a few months later and saw a gaenocologist he said my ovaries were covered! Xx

RedMae84 profile image
RedMae84 in reply to Emily11

:/ I guess it is usually a matter of months, the one on my left side was building up with every period.

You said your on the pill, but what happens after? Taking the pill back to back for a few months is a good thing, or of course some people go on hormone injections. I went for a scan after my surgery and they said my left cyst had shrunk by 3 cm, my specialist said this was the help of the Prostap,although that's great, I hated prostap.. worst thing I've ever had.

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to RedMae84

Oh okay so maybe they came in that time. Yeah I may try taking them back to back. Yeah I don't know if I would have prostap if it has bad side effects :/

Deb1511 profile image
Deb1511 in reply to Emily11

Sorry you have been so low Hun it's not good and anytime you need to speak just shout. Can I ask how you knew your cyst had ruptured Hun? Xxxx

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to Deb1511

Awe thank you! Yeah it was a horrendous pain on my lower right side and felt like being kicked by a horse continuously. I couldn't walk much or stand up as it kept taking my breath. I thought it may have been appendicitis at first but went to my gaenocologist first and he said it had ruptured. Worst pain I have ever had xxx

Deb1511 profile image
Deb1511 in reply to Emily11

Thanks for reply so quick Hun I too have had similar pain and symptom this week though the keep saying gynaecology appointment shouldn't be long. The way I tried to describe to them was there was something pressing on siactic nerve as pain shoots right down to my knee and have been very breathless xxxx

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to Deb1511

Yeah that sounds similar :( I hope they get you an appointment soon. If it is a cyst that's ruptured, the pain should go in about 4 days or at least wear off a bit. He gave me cocodomol for the pain xxx

Deb1511 profile image
Deb1511 in reply to Emily11

Thanks Hun you to your so kind thanks for replying feel like I'm being such a burden, my friends are great just my other half he useless even my 10 year old had been brilliant, my painkillers only full the pain though I'm getting so fed up of being stuck at home 22 tablets a day and 6sachets of movical today for the constipation 😢 xxxxx

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to Deb1511

Awe that's okay :) that's a lot of tablets! I think it's hard for guys to understand, I've come to that conclusion haha xxx

Deb1511 profile image
Deb1511 in reply to Emily11

Yeah that's sounds right Hun guys just don't know how to understand it lol. Thanks again hope you ok tonight xxxx

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to Deb1511

Haha! Hope you are okay too xxx

Deb1511 profile image
Deb1511 in reply to Emily11

Feeling very sore and very bubbly Hun unfortunately think I'm gonna get a period as very much feels like it thigh was started in the pill just can't remember when it should be affected from xxxx

Emily11 profile image
Emily11 in reply to Deb1511

:( xxxx

Katie80 profile image

Hi Emily,

It is completely normal to feel low. The symptoms include depression and severe fatigue so how you are feeling is normal. Ask your surgeon about prostap if you don't like the pill, you can only have it for 12 months but it does have side effects as is like a temporary menopause. Other option is the Marina coil which is more common. Know it sounds ridiculous as when you feel low and in pain, last thing you want to do is exercise, but it does help. It realises endorphins which improve your mood and it helps with pain management.

Katie xx

Emily11 profile image

Hello, glad it's normal :) I haven't heard of prostap, I will speak to my surgeon thank you! The coils scares me because I've heard bad things and that it hurts? Yeah maybe i will go for a walk and go to the gym? Do you know how long after the op you can do this? Xx

Fabbird profile image
Fabbird in reply to Emily11

Hi, the Mirena coil suits some not others. It won't necessarily hurt. It release a much lower dose of progesterone (about 1/7, I think) so you don't get so many side effects (progesterone can make you feel low). Maybe worth looking into further.

If it doesn't suit you, it's pretty easy to take out (GP surgery can do it).

Hope you feel better soon.

PixiePie2110 profile image

Hey Emily,

Feeling low is completely normal after a surgery like this. Recovery can take a while - some are right again within a few weeks while others (like myself) can take months to recovery fully from the surgery. I find doing something I enjoy - like reading a good book or chilling out with a heatpack and chocolate and netflix makes me feel a bit better :) or when friends and family visit me to check up is always nice too.

Just remember, you're not alone in this, lots of women and girls around the world have endo (I think it's about 1 in 10 have endo? ). Most of us have been really confused, scared and depressed at times because of this nasty invisible illness, so a lot of us completely get how you're feeling! :)

You will have bad days and weeks and then you will have wonderful days and weeks too! I found when things are at the worst, to just take it a day at a time and not to push yourself too much :)

Hope this helps and you recover quickly :)

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