Hello ladies. I had my lap done last Thursday and wondered how long the stitches usually stay until they dissolve? The nurse said 3 days?? Also my stitches on the pelvis are a bit yellow and the skin is slightly red. Is that maybe an infection? Thank you
Stitches: Hello ladies. I had my lap done... - Endometriosis UK

Hi lovely.
My surgeon said 3 weeks if they disolvable but mine took longer and it caused a infection I ended up having the nurse pull part of the stitches out with some tweezers then it seemed to heal better.
I think you may have a infection from what you are describing I would contact your Gp asap hun.
Hope this helps and it's healing well for you soon .
Jo xx
Hi, hope your recovery is going well. I think it really depends on the individual- I've had three laps and each time have had to had dissolvable stitches taken out as they wouldn't shift and got really uncomfortable after 2 weeks or so. In contrast my dad had da Vinci surgery and his stitches that were dissolvable completely disappeared within just a couple of days. Your skin is bound to be sore so I wouldn't worry too much but a nurse will always be able to put your mind at rest
Hi, 6 laps and all with the so-called "dissolvable" stitches yet even the specialist has told me have them removed by your GP/Nurse practitioner after 10 days because they won't dissolve. Why they bother calling them dissolvable then is beyond me😝! All the best, x
I've never had any problems with the stiches not dissolving. Showing and normal care will generally get them to dissolve. I've had several laps, this is like my 7th.