I was hoping someone might be able to help. Whilst awaiting my 2nd lap date, I will be going to my doctors to have my mirena removed and go back on the pill. Will I need to book in with my gp or can one of the nurses do it?
Mirena removal: I was hoping someone might... - Endometriosis UK
Mirena removal

Hi there I
It depends how painful you find these sorts of thing s if it was me I would wait until my lap and get them to remove it under anasthetic....but answer to your question. I would imagine the doctor would do it
Have you checked with the hospital before you go back on the pill? At my pre-op appointment I was told that they want you off any oestrogen pills for 6 weeks before they operate due to the risk of clots and DVT. I'm not sure if they're more flexible if you're taking it to manage symptoms though.
Hey, thank you for your reply!
My first op a year ago i was still taking the pill up to and including the day of my op.
They were only going to take it out whist under as we are reaching the stage where we would like to think about children.
I have booked in to get it removed however think we will stick to the more traditional for of contraception until we are 100% ready
Hi! I made the decision to have my Mirena removed after 7 months owing to it causing me a lot of pain especially mid cycle and my GP removed it for me in a normal 10 minute appointment it did hurt a bit as it was pulled out but nothing like having it inserted.

Brilliant, thank you for this.
I have now booked in with my GP to get it removed. Thankfully I had it inserted when i was under general anaesthetic so didn't feel any pain.
I have been told by my specialist that it will be sore as I haven't had any children but i will make sure i take painkillers 30 minutes before
You should be fine, but a good idea to take Neurofen before hand. I don't know what the mirena was doing to my insides as when my GP examined me before removal I was extremely sensitive over my womb area and my cervix was extremely painful but both those pains disappeared almost immediately once she had removed it. All I can think is i some sort of sensitivity to the hormones. Best of luck to you