I had a lap and a load of other procedures 2 weeks ago today. I'm still losing blood, and still in pain. I have had 2 lots of antibiotics, but really feel crap.
Should I start to feel human again soon?
Angela x
I had a lap and a load of other procedures 2 weeks ago today. I'm still losing blood, and still in pain. I have had 2 lots of antibiotics, but really feel crap.
Should I start to feel human again soon?
Angela x
I'm sorry but after a lap you can bleed for weeks I think the longest time I did after was 6 weeks. Go to your GP and ask her to check your iron count as that maybe low. I promise you on time it will slow down. I had my 7th lap on Monday so I totally get how u are feeling xx
Hi. I had my lap nearly 5 wks ago. Since then I've been spotting, then I had my period, and now 15 days after my period I'm bleeding again as if I'm on my period, I was actually wondering if this was normal?? And yea the pain is always there, back and front.