Hey everyone. My doctor has said after speaking with a gynaecologist that I have endo - I haven’t had a scan and finding it impossible to get one. I’ve been in agony for two weeks now, started during my period and still here afterwards - at first the pain was in the middle and now it’s moved to the right hand side and during the day it can feel sharp like pins and needles in my womb? I’m on a lot of painkillers and i’m managing but the anxiety of it all is what’s making me worse - I guess I just wanted to know/ ask if this is “normal”? And if anyone has anyway of controlling the anxiety of the unknown etc as well? I’m getting the hormonal coil fitted on Weds and wondering if that would make it worse or if it’s made it better for anyone? Thank you all so much - it’s so hard not knowing what’s going on.
Is this normal?: Hey everyone. My doctor... - Endometriosis UK
Is this normal?

Hello, Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Have you had the pain before these last two weeks?
Have you had any other investigations for this, an MRI or a laparoscopy? Have you been seen by the gynaecologist? Sorry for bombarding you with questions!
I'm really sorry If I've misunderstood your message, but they shouldn't diagnose Endo without seeing (deep infiltrating) Endo on an MRI or during a lap, and if the pain has only been for two weeks?
I can't comment on your question about the coil as I haven't tried it myself. Xx

No it’s okay! Any help is literally the best.
Thank you so much for replying.
I have always had really painful periods/ovulation but never this bad and lasting this long. I’ve had nothing except an internal exam with the doctors finger, they haven’t done a scan and it seems impossible to get one as the waiting list is so long. My doctor spoke with the gyno team about my symptoms and they said it sounded like endo so that’s all i’ve got to go on.
I’m literally at a crossroads because i don’t know what else to do at this point X
Waiting times are awful at the moment, I'm currently waiting for my second lap and it's not going to be anytime soon.
Has your doctor referred you to gynaecology? Or are they waiting for you to have a scan first? Endo doesn't always show up on scans, so when you do have one and if it doesn't show anything make sure you push for a referral! Xx

she’s said i need to have a gyno scan but that’s all i’ve got so far. It’s been such a shock because it’s really taken off the last two weeks - mentally draining! I hope you don’t have to wait to long xx
Sorry to hear your in pain. My personal experience gave me a lot of anxiety as well as they don’t know for sure without a laparoscopy but the waiting times and feeling pain is of course going to make you anxious when you don’t know what it is! I had the mirena coil fitted 6 months after my initial symptoms and all it’s done for me unfortunately is cause more pain throughout the month rather than just around periods so I’m hoping to have it out soon. It’s been 9 months so I’ve given it long enough. Have you tried the pill to see if that helps symptoms?