Hi ladies,
Had my first op and diagnosed last year where i had endo in pouch of douglas ablated.
Had six months of zoladex last year that helped a lot then six months of depo which didnt help as much. Currently off everything but pain killers as drs seeing if side effects of joint pain caused by drugs.
Im getting severe rectal pain, scared of going to loo as either nearly pass out so dont finish going or get severe shooting pains in rectum after. Last night i looked like i was fitting jumping in bed in agony after going to loo. Im not constipated have a small
Tare and haemarroid for which i
use numbing suppositries and creams for.
Im also getting severe right hip pain to point of limping and crying walking up stairs. I cant put weight through right buttock.
Not there everyday.
Also severe low pelvic pressure type pain, whole pelvis aches and low back and side pain.
What causes all thispain when i havent had a period for a year because of medical menopause.