I have severe pelvic pain that starts two or three days after my period ends. The pain is unbearable, worse than period pain, located very low down in the pelvis. It typically occurs in the night and wakes me like now. I am desperate. An endo sufferer of 30 years, I'm at a loss to understand the mechanism for this. If I could only understand I could do something. As it is I am frantic with the pain. Can't sleep, feel sick all the time from painkillers. My gynae has written me off because I don't want to undergo another stretch on zoladex. Anyone whose had this knows why I don't want it again. It is only a temporary solution and is a hellish experience. I am sick enough ! Please help me. I feel the pain is literally driving me mad. I feel so isolated. If I go to my GP they will just say well you have Endo, you're supposed to be in pain. How much can a person take before they lose it with this disease!?
Does anyone have severe pelvic pain start... - Endometriosis UK
Does anyone have severe pelvic pain starting a few days after their period has ended? What is the cause?

I'm fed up with it to, fed up with pain can't plan anything if you do you normally end up canceling can't eat some foods and you know it's going to make you feel rough, it's just crap xx
I have always had severe pain for about a week after my period too an often this has been worse or at least on par to the pain during my period, for me the doctors think its due to the heavy internal bleeding I get with each period, the blood from this internal bleeding sits in my pelvis, low down due to gravity and takes a good 1-2 weeks to be absorbed by the body, blood is an irritant so sitting around my very inflamed insides which until recent surgery were very stuck together has been extremely painful and at times has felt like my insides are burning! My ovaries were stuck very low down and where the blood sits until its absorbed so that really didnt help! It could be something similar for you too, my doctors know I have a problem with internal bleeding as I have had laps during or soon after periods and my pelvic cavity has been completely flooded. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it as its a process and the bleeding can't be prevented other than stopping my periods (prostap worked really well but fully understand why you dont want to go back down that route) but I make sure I take a lot of anti-inflammatories in the hope it makes at least some difference and fingers crossed my recent surgery will help too X
I know it has been 2yrs since you left a response but I believe that I am having your same issues. I am getting very frustrated because I have been to 3 different gynos, internal medicine doctor, ct and mri and I am still in pain. 1st they said maybe endo and then they said maybe ulcerative coloitis so I was put on a dairy and gluten free diet but 2 mnths later i am back in pain. What was your diagnosis and what surgery did you have to help ?
I realize this is an older post, but feel like I should comment. I experienced seemingly exactly what many of you have, for years with no relief. However, last May, I discovered a treatment which has seemingly cured my endometriosis, PCOS, related pain, and ALL symptoms. Apparently, often times the ovarian pain that occurs as soon as your periods ends is due to cysts but reason for the timing cycle-wise is because it corresponds to the rising of estrogen and FSH so that an egg will be released from the ovary. During mid-end of your period and shortly thereafter, is when estrogen is on the rise...and may of us are apparently estrogen dominant which throws the body out of synch. I began using an over the counter progesterone cream (ProgesterAll) which is also available online. I used it religiously morning and night...into the second month of using it; huge results. No more cyclical migraines, horrible ovarian pain that lasted for days, cysts, or ANY of the terrible issues that I had been experiencing for years. I've currently been on it for right at a year and have never had such regular periods and been so pain free in many years. All of my migraines and 'sinus' migraines and allergies have quit too. I am not taking any birth control pills or anything that could possibly increase estrogen, as the progesterone naturally balances it and counteracts the effects of estrogen...thus, the ovarian pain from my ovaries being literally fried by too much estrogen has totally stopped... I first started experiences all of those symptoms with the use of birth control pills when in my early twenties...I am now in my mid thirties. This is just my personal experiences but please consider reading up on estrogen dominance and the use of progesterone to counteract too much estrogen! It literally gave my life quality again and ended all of my pain and the constant sickness.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I am looking for something to help with these same symptoms now. I tried progesterone cream years ago but i remember using it only in the second half of my cycle and stopping just before my bleed started. Would you mind sharing if you use the cream every day of your cycle or just part of the cycle? Thank you so much.
Hi, thanks for the replies. Hayls, what you say makes complete sense. I wish a doctor had thought to mention this possibility before. I know there's nothing I can do but it does help to understand what's happening. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy or that there must be something serious going on, especially when I wake in the night it can be so frightening. Unfortunately, I've started to get very sick with any painkillers and have been advised to stop anti-inflammatories and codeine, so I'm running out of options. I will try to keep taking them though, the pain is so bad. Thanks for your help and best of luck to you all x
Thank you, I will read the books you've suggested.
I am really fed up with this bloody disease too. Like you I get pain after my period. I'm told this is because of internal bleeding. Like hayls has replied.
I get pain about a week before my period, during my period and for about 5 or six days after a period. Not many pain free days!
Best wishes.

I realize this is an older post, but feel like I should comment. I experienced seemingly exactly what many of you have, for years with no relief. However, last May, I discovered a treatment which has seemingly cured my endometriosis, PCOS, related pain, and ALL symptoms. Apparently, often times the ovarian pain that occurs as soon as your periods ends is due to cysts but reason for the timing cycle-wise is because it corresponds to the rising of estrogen and FSH so that an egg will be released from the ovary. During mid-end of your period and shortly thereafter, is when estrogen is on the rise...and may of us are apparently estrogen dominant which throws the body out of synch. I began using an over the counter progesterone cream (ProgesterAll) which is also available online. I used it religiously morning and night...into the second month of using it; huge results. No more cyclical migraines, horrible ovarian pain that lasted for days, cysts, or ANY of the terrible issues that I had been experiencing for years. I've currently been on it for right at a year and have never had such regular periods and been so pain free in many years. All of my migraines and 'sinus' migraines and allergies have quit too. I am not taking any birth control pills or anything that could possibly increase estrogen, as the progesterone naturally balances it and counteracts the effects of estrogen...thus, the ovarian pain from my ovaries being literally fried by too much estrogen has totally stopped... I first started experiences all of those symptoms with the use of birth control pills when in my early twenties...I am now in my mid thirties. This is just my personal experiences but please consider reading up on estrogen dominance and the use of progesterone to counteract too much estrogen! It literally gave my life quality again and ended all of my pain and the constant sickness.
i have been in your shoes & i have taken 13 zoladex & 2 surgeries that some doctors in Belgium are fed up with me.what kept me under control was a tablet called orgamentril -i took it without break continuously.
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here but just trying to get any info I can? I have just been prescribed an injection for 6 months that will force an induced menopause? If my symptoms with this subside I am at long last going to get a hyseterectomy? I have endiodemetriosis and polysystic ovaries, generally 1 week in 4 I'm ok but feel I just exist not really happy about it all and have been like it for years, had laser treatment on ovaries which left me pain free for 2 months once I got over the op!! I can now count to the day from the 1st to the 10th after the 1st day of my period day 10 brings me terrible stabbing pains in mainly the right hand side it's like clockwork now? In fact that is more reliable than the date I actually start 😡 I was just wondering how you all got on as this thread has been quiet for a year or so?
Kind regards.
I realize this is an older post, but feel like I should comment. I experienced seemingly exactly what many of you have, for years with no relief. However, last May, I discovered a treatment which has seemingly cured my endometriosis, PCOS, related pain, and ALL symptoms. Apparently, often times the ovarian pain that occurs as soon as your periods ends is due to cysts but reason for the timing cycle-wise is because it corresponds to the rising of estrogen and FSH so that an egg will be released from the ovary. During mid-end of your period and shortly thereafter, is when estrogen is on the rise...and many of us are apparently estrogen dominant which throws the body out of synch. I began using an over the counter progesterone cream (ProgesterAll) which is also available online. I used it religiously morning and night...into the second month of using it; huge results. No more cyclical migraines, horrible ovarian pain that lasted for days, cysts, or ANY of the terrible issues that I had been experiencing for years. I've currently been on it for right at a year and have never had such regular periods and been so pain free in many years. All of my migraines and 'sinus' migraines and allergies have quit too. I am not taking any birth control pills or anything that could possibly increase estrogen, as the progesterone naturally balances it and counteracts the effects of estrogen...thus, the ovarian pain from my ovaries being literally fried by too much estrogen has totally stopped... I first started experiences all of those symptoms with the use of birth control pills when in my early twenties...I am now in my mid thirties. This is just my personal experiences but please consider reading up on estrogen dominance and the use of progesterone to counteract too much estrogen! It literally gave my life quality again and ended all of my pain and the constant sickness.
I realize this is an older post, but feel like I should comment. I experienced seemingly exactly what many of you have, for years with no relief. However, last May, I discovered a treatment which has seemingly cured my endometriosis, PCOS, related pain, and ALL symptoms. Apparently, often times the ovarian pain that occurs as soon as your periods ends is due to cysts but reason for the timing cycle-wise is because it corresponds to the rising of estrogen and FSH so that an egg will be released from the ovary. During mid-end of your period and shortly thereafter, is when estrogen is on the rise...and may of us are apparently estrogen dominant which throws the body out of synch. I began using an over the counter progesterone cream (ProgesterAll) which is also available online. I used it religiously morning and night...into the second month of using it; huge results. No more cyclical migraines, horrible ovarian pain that lasted for days, cysts, or ANY of the terrible issues that I had been experiencing for years. I've currently been on it for right at a year and have never had such regular periods and been so pain free in many years. All of my migraines and 'sinus' migraines and allergies have quit too. I am not taking any birth control pills or anything that could possibly increase estrogen, as the progesterone naturally balances it and counteracts the effects of estrogen...thus, the ovarian pain from my ovaries being literally fried by too much estrogen has totally stopped... I first started experiences all of those symptoms with the use of birth control pills when in my early twenties...I am now in my mid thirties. This is just my personal experiences but please consider reading up on estrogen dominance and the use of progesterone to counteract too much estrogen! It literally gave my life quality again and ended all of my pain and the constant sickness.
Hi Lauramw, I have been reading your post about the severe pelvic pain after period a hundred times. It's exactly what I am experiencing every month for the last three and a half years. I've tried everything from lap, D&C , MRI, progesterone, diet, antibiotics, acupuncture, chinese herbs, and many others... but I don't get any relief. I am so exhaused from the pain and antinflamatories I don't know what to do anymore. If you're reading this, please let me know how are you doing. Did you find anything that worked? any new ideas on this horrific pain?
Thank you!
Hi Laura
I only just found your post, and as I don't know my way around this site I think I just posted a lengthy message to the main board, rather than replying to your post specifically -oops. Anyway, you can find it if you search Christine90
I recently started having horrible pain 3 days after my period. I do have Endometriosis and am in pain during my period, however, this new pain is a lot worse than the "normal" endo pain. I woke at 4:30 am this morning from the unbearable pain...this really stinks. I've dealt with the pain from endo all my life now I'm in my early 40's and have to deal with this nonsense?!?! Pain AFTER being in pain all week? Seriously ?!?!? Not sure what I can do besides go to the gyno and ask for pain killers, which I really don't want to use. I'm so happy I found this group. Thanks in advance.
Hello, just trying to reach you lauramw and anybody else that has severe pelvic pain immediately after the period ends. I don't believe this is a typical endo symptom, probably a different condition on top of endo.
I have severe burning like pain in the low pelvic area that starts right at the end of my period and lasts for about 5 days. Please if you read this post, let me know how you feel now, it's been four years since you wrote this post, but you describe exactly how I feel. Please let me know if you found any relief for this pain and how you feel. Thank you!
Hi mihaelad, I’m having the same issues as yourself, my period ends and then I get this stinging/burning feeling in what feels like my uterus/pelvic area for about a week afterwards. I’ve seen my GP who’s referred me for a scan but I was wondering if you’ve had a diagnosis since your post as to what’s causing it? I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis a year ago but I’m not sure if it’s related to the stinging feeling after my period, it feels different, I hope you’ve found some relief since you last posted, take care, thanks in advance
Hello, I am sorry to hear you are suffering with this horible pain. It’s been 5 years for me and no relief unfortunately. I had numerous consultaions and tests, several biopsies of the endometrium and laparoscopy. I even went to Mayo and Cleavland clinic with this issue, no one seems to have an explanation for the pain after period symptom. I was sure for a very long time that is a recurring infection but I had so many culters and biopsies and nothing was found. My uterus is bulky and I have been diagnosted with adenomyosis but nobody can explain to me the physical process of what this pain is. I am decided to have a histerectomy this year. I am 42 , I had 5 miscarriages over the last 5 years and I can’t suffer anymore
Good luck with your investigations and if you find anything please let me know... how old are you?
Hi, thanks for your reply, I’m so sorry to hear you have been suffering with this for so long and 5 miscarriages in 5 years is heartbreaking 😞 it’s just awful that no one is able to give you an explanation as to what’s causing this. I hope your hysterectomy provides you relief with regards to your pain. I am 44 and have been suffering with this for the past 2 years, I will keep you updated if I learn anymore following further investigation but I am fearful they wont be able to come up with any further explanation as to what’s going on but I live in hope. Please keep me informed as to how you are following your hysterectomy, I hope everything goes well, take care
Iam having these same issues