Hi all,
I feel like I post on here too much, sorry!
I have suspected Endo and had an ovarian ultrasound a couple of months back, and it came back clear (No cysts or visible tissue there) which is great. But I have had pain in my right side ovary area for years, and I still have it. I don’t dispute the scan at all, but what else could be causing it? I have constant pelvic ‘fullness’ and pain. Shooting pains, dull pains - the lot. I have back pain, and it’s specifically bad on that side.
My GP is great, but doesn’t think my back pain and suspected Endo are linked, he thinks they’re two separate things.
Basically I feel like I’m going mad and getting nowhere. I hate going to the GP as I just feel like they think I’m making it up.
He put me on Desogesterol and as mentioned on my previous post I’m still getting the same pains (the vaginal shooting pains are particularly bad today).
I feel like I have nobody to answer my questions or to understand me, I’m so down.
Any advice would be great xx