I was diagnose yesterday with stage 1 Endo. I'm full of questions now........I thought I'd educated myself on what endometriosis is, but I realise now that I'm confused again.
My Endo has rendered me incapable of moving 3 times in the last year and a half. I get frequent mid cycle pain and painful cysts but I barely even notice the discomfort anymore because I'm so use to it. My family think I'm cured now because I've had a patch of Endo treated.........but I don't think they understand what it is. In fact, I'm pretty sure most of my family are pretty sick of me trying to tell them what it is.
I feel like a bit of a fraud. How can I possibly compare to the "real" Endo sufferers if I "only" have stage one Endo? How do I make my family understand what Endo is? How can I let my female relatives know that it's not "just a normal period" and that I don't "just have a low pain threshold"? Should I change my diet in order to prevent further flares just in case my Endo hasn't been treated effectively?......I could go on.....I feel so lost