I'm seeing a new pain consultant tomorrow, after the last one saw me once for a few minutes, said I should stop morphine and discharged me.
Pretty much the only thing I haven't tried is epidurals / nerve block injections and I'm guessing they may suggest this. I'm worried about this for a few reasons: I am terribly scared of needles, but mainly I'm worried that it won't work and they'll insist I stop the painkillers and I'll be in a mess.
Is it possible to have pain after one of these, or will it definitely stop the pain? Obviously I would love that, but I am anxious about being left in pain with no pain relief if it doesn't work. If it is that effective, why don't they use it more? And wouldn't an epidural make my legs etc numb? Sorry if I'm being ignorant, I know very little about it.
My appointment is at 10:15 tomorrow so if anyone can help before then, I'd really appreciate it.