Depo Injection...?: Hey! I'm considering... - Endometriosis UK

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Depo Injection...?

6 Replies

Hey! I'm considering getting the Depo injection... Has anybody had experience with this? I've read up online,

but just wondered what people on this forum thought of it... Are there any nasty side-effects? Are there any other contraception options you've tried that have helped? (I am not considering getting the coil or the implant, but have been on the mini pill cerazette and it's not really working anymore).

I am only really just 19, and I have been told that there can be problems for young girls under 19, such as bone thinning?

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6 Replies
gypsydarla profile image


I used the depo injections for about 2 years for contraception. I know they don't recommend using it for much longer than 2 years, though a friend used it for 5 years. Personally I wouldn't touch it again as I gained 5 stones and my mood was erratic. I really suffered when I came off it as well and swore I wouldn't go back on it based on how bad it made me feel. I do have friends who have loved it though and I think the general thinking is that as it's not permanent to try it for the first time and see how the 3 mths are. I had an awful 1st period but then spotted for a couple more months and then was period free for the rest of the two years.

I know I was set against the mirena but have just had mine removed after 4 years and I had a good 3 years during that time. I wouldn't recommend it though to someone without having had kids first as I imagine it would really hurt being put in.

I can't think of anything else to suggest. I have known plenty of young women who've liked the implants and again they can be removed if it doesn't agree with you - but I can see why you've already said you're not interested in having them.

Maybe a visit to your local family planning clinic for advice? I know they wouldn't have the endo advice but would have the full range of possible contraceptive ideas out there that are available - maybe something will fit with your needs.

kagz profile image

hiya when i was very young around your age i went on the depo for 7 yrs and it was great for me no periods didnt put weight on and didnt have to worry,but when i tried it last year all i did was bleed,but if i was you i would give it a try if after the mnth you are blleding or any other symptoms i would not try it again.

hope this helps x

Bobbluesky profile image

Hi Sophie, I was on the pill for 5yrs, just changing brands instead of coming off as my Period was so bad, it was fine, but I had a lot of other health problems so I decided to come off the pill, that's when my real troubles began. My periods were so bad I had to change my clothes 2 my be 3 times a day due to it coming through. The pain in my side, hip & lower back was & still is very severe & then when my period would stop the brown staining started & this is so heavy that it would stain my clothes, so it seamed that I never got a break, I went to my Doc & I was sent to gyne and after tests they found I had Endo, frozen pelvis, so they couldn't remove any Endo as it is stuck to my bowel. I was put on zoledax injections every 28 days for 6mths it took 2 injections before I noticed a difference, I had no staining for 4mths, but had to come off injections & everything went back to the way it was, I felt crap the pains were back & I had bad mood swings, went for my review appointment & found out I had a cyst on my left ovary, so was but on Danazol tablets, but my arms swelled & when I got my bloods checked there was something wrong with it so I had to come off it. This left me back to square 1!! So I saw my Gyne Doc & was given an option to get the Mirena Coil put in & the Cyst drained @ the same time. I'm 37 & have no children She wants to see if the coil works for 5yrs to let me see if I want children, because she said that my only other option is to get everything took away. So last tues I went into hospital & got put to sleep to get the coil put in & the cyst drained, I had to stay over night & I still have to get 2 more injections, I don't know if this will work but fingers crossed. I really hope everything works out for you as you're so young, but all I can say is keep on top of it & tell your Doc how this effects you, don't keep it all locked inside, keep a diary I hope you have a good GP who is understanding. takecare..Xx

Bobbluesky profile image

Hi again, forgot to say that I didn''t have the depo- injection, but the pills that I've been on & the Zoladex injection, I noticed a lot of weight gain, hot flushes headaches, & most of all bad mood swings & I got very anger at silly things. Don't know if this will help but I wish you all the best.. Xx

star1984 profile image

Hi Sophie

I only had one depo injection but decided to come off of it as my moods were terrible and my sex drive became pretty much non-existent! :( I've since had the implant fitted and feel absolutely fine, it's stopped my periods which is what I wanted as I'm not quite ready to have children yet and I'm only 29 so I've hopefully still got time :)

I still get the occasional pain in my side but I'm putting that down to the cyst I have on my right ovary :(

Every person is different and what works for one person maybe completely different for someone else, but you'll be able to discuss with your doctor or nurse which will be the best for you.

Hope this has helped!

Em xx

lynseym001 profile image

Hi I had the depo injection in January and its the worst thing I have ever had.....since then I have had about 5 periods and this last one has lasted over 3 weeks!! Extremely heavy bleeding (night pads in the day and going through clothes, bedding etc), big blood clots too so it's just been awful. I am supposed to be going back for next injection at beginning of April but definitely not having it. Feel crappy all the time, very tired, bloated, and have put on lots of weight! Going to go back to the pill which I never had a problem with! Hope whatever you choose helps xx

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