Hi everyone. This is an early update dealing with the sensor that had been inserted on 5-13-2021. From the picture that I had included, you can guess what will be done very soon if the sensor doesn't start working, again in the next 20+ minutes from now. This is how it's been going for most of the day today and a lot of more testing both in the morning after breakfast and again a few times when I was done eating lunch. When ( and if) it comes down to changing the sensor for a new one before dinner tonight, then I plan to call for a free replacement and hope the next one isn't as bad as this one that's on me right now.
Dealing with the sensor, it kept alarming that I was dropping when I wasn't really anywhere close to what the receiver had said I was at the time. I calibrated twice already today and the second one never took afterwards. This to me is not okay and I will have to change sensors in a little while when the 15 minutes is up. I'm hoping this works out soon.