Today is Tuesday and the sensor from last Thursday had been really having issues since yesterday during the afternoon. This is bad. I ended up talking to DEXCOM’s Technical Support for the 2 free sensors to be sent to me since they were going to replace both for me, anyway. We just had to talk about when I was wanting to have them sent since I didn’t want them disappearing from my house if I wasn’t there at the time.
The old sensor was not giving accurate results. It said that I was 67 with one arrow straight down when I was 255 mg/dl after eating breakfast. Same thing happened today during lunch and my number was higher than usual then, too! It was really way off!
I inserted a new sensor this afternoon and it is still in the warm up period for 2 hours. Will see what happens soon before dinner is done tonight. Calibrations will be around 6:30 pm.😀👍