Hey, so after lots of blood tests, and Thriva ones, combined with my Endometriosis the GP finally admitted I have Autoimmune Hypothyroidism, so I'm on medication for that. Since there's a link between Endometriosis, Hypothyroidism, and Diabetes I want to keep an eye on my HbA1c levels.
01/12/2020 Annual HbA1c 54 mmol/mol (NHS GP) - family history of prediabetes. Nearing the maximum pain and symptoms for Endometriosis - requires invasive surgery. GP considering possible links to Hypothyroid symptoms.
13/01/2020 HbA1c 49 mmol/mol (Thriva subscription with other tests)
20/01/2021 surgery to excise endometriosis
16/02/2021 GP finally admitted I need Levothyroxine - starter dose of 50ug
19/02/2021 Routine 3 monthly HbA1c 46 mmol/mol (NHS GP) - kept up with the dietary changes to help with endometriosis symptoms
I have rang my GP to pre book in an appointment to have my repeat HbA1c as usual which would be early May, best to get them in soon and all that. They have said as my last reading was 46, I now only need yearly tests.
I'm not happy with that as my thyroid medication will need monitoring and could change, this will have an impact on the risk of developing diabetes, and I still have endometriosis which could flare up. It's clear that my levels are changing so quickly, and could go up as well as down. So should I be pushing for the 3 monthly check at least until I'm out of the "prediabetic range"? When I'm back into the normal range then I'd understand the need for only yearly checks.
I'm happy to do just the Thriva test if this is something which is okay to self monitor and skip trying to push the GP.