Well, since parts of this afternoon into tonight, the sensor that I had put in on August 8th is now misbehaving and keeps going in and out with readings/data. If this continues for another half hour, I'm going to change the sensor at 7:15 pm and put the new sensor in at 7:30 pm ( you have to wait 15 minutes for replacements to be inserted so the system can't get confused after stopping the old sensors). Once I know the new sensor is in the warmup period for the night, I plan to call for a free new replacement since this one was really suppose to be changed on Tuesday early morning. Right now, the alert says Sensor Error at the top of the receiver. This is very depressing since this sensor was doing a great job until this afternoon.
On the bright side of things, the other free sensor that I had been promised should be on its way here by either the 20th or on the 20th itself. I had called to see what the status was since it seems to be taking a while to have that one sent to me and I had been promised to be getting that one 3-7 business days a while back. Not sure what happened there, but it will be here this week.
Hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe, happy and healthy. Have a wonderful night everyone!