Hi there I'm new to the group, and I'm apologising in advance for the long post. Advice is really needed.
I was diagnosed as having non diabetic hypoglycaemia a few month ago, I was given some printed out advice from the GP on that advice it states I am not diabetic I am not borderline diabetic but this illness comes with all the risks of diabetes without having the illness itself. I was concerned about it as I displays nearly all of the symptoms so went to talk to my GP - she informed me that all the diagnosis means is I am borderline diabetic! And now they call borderline diabetes non diabetic hypoglycaemia! Doing my research I discovered with borderline diabetes there are no symptoms and if you carry on the lifestyle you have you're more likely to develop diabetes, where as with non diabetic hypoglycaemia you can actually go into a coma this could happen if you develop a blindness to the symptoms. After a massive discussion with my GP I decided to change surgeries feeling as if my care wasn't being taken seriously! In my new surgery there is a GP who specialises in diabetes so had a telephone appointment with him, to my horror he said exactly the same thing that non diabetic hypoglycaemia is the new wording for borderline diabetes!!
My uppermost fear are the symptoms I get and am terrified of ending in a coma one day, and the medical professionals seem to be down grading what non diabetic hypoglycaemia is, being told borderline diabetes to some people may be just brushed off as nothing to worry about but non diabetic hypoglycaemia is quite serious and I really don't know where to turn for help as I suffer from symptoms and they scare me when they happen but those are ignored by the doctors and I'm simply told to eat a couple of jelly babies where as if its the reactive part of non diabetic hypoglycaemia then I may need a top up of glucose to stop these attacks from happening - I just thought I'd post here to see if there's anywhere I can get some help from and some much needed advice, I'm being sent to a diabetes prevention class to stop me from developing diabetes but I think that would be a waste of time due to the fact I apparently don't have diabetes - hence the title of this post - helppppp pleassssseeeee
And thank you for bearing with me on my very long probably boring post