I've been put on an antibiotic for my finger infection. So far, the medication is doing a great job. The white part is getting smaller. I'm hoping to be told that I can definitely stop the medication after November 21st. I miss some foods and drinks! With this one medication, you can't have caffeine items.
Finger Update : I've been put on an... - Diabetes Research...
Finger Update

I'd be in with drawl, shakes and down right nasty without my morning coffee. Tea is nice when sick and on cold afternoons. My brain does not function without a few cups I average 3 a day. That said glad to her you are healing well ever think of what you hit or you bumped into.
Oh dear! I've not heard of antibiotics interacting with caffeine. I guess you cannot have coffee, tea, cola and chocolate and perhaps some other food stuffs. It's also a long time to be on antibiotics. Make sure you have to probiotics so that your gut health doesn't go out of kilter because you could develop thrush.
Take care.
TT x
What's thrush, again?
Candida is it's proper term. Female diabetics are at risk of getting it because our blood sugars can get high and encourage it's growth especially, when antibiotics kill the good bacteria in our guts as well as the bad.
Oh, so how can it be stopped?
Take some probiotics to stop the good bacteria being killed off and over taken by the bad bacteria. Antibiotics kills the good and bad bacteria in the gut but if the balance is out of kilter the bad bacteria can continue to grow and cause vaginal thrush. I got really bad thrush this Summer because I'd been on 2 courses of strong antibiotics for a chest infection and then tonsilitis. It took weeks of trying to get it under control with antifungal tablets from my GP, probitoics and then a natural herbal remedy from the health food shop. Plus, cutting out all carbs to bring my blood sugars down and eating loads of garlic, sometimes raw.