Normal glucose values 2h post-prandial. Bedtime glucose level of 70-80 - but fasting level, next morning consistently ca. 104mg/100ml. I understand that there is this 'dawn' phenomenon but why isn't the 'system' kicking in here when it seems to work OK otherwise?
Slightly confused: Normal glucose... - Diabetes Research...
Slightly confused
Hi Dratch, I'm watching this post in hope that someone will come along and give you an answer. I find the same thing sometimes.
I've just been diagnosed with T2 - caused by taking steroids for a few months so there's a chance things will go back to normal soon although I think I was pretty close to be tipped over.
Anyway I'm doing before and 2 hours after meal readings - no snacks in between - I record everything I eat and now only eat things that don't cause a spike.
On the whole my results are great and I'm pleased yet some mornings I get up, test my blood before breakfast and it is higher than I want it to be.
I can be low after dinner at yet, higher next morning after fasting all night - equally last night it was 6.0 (106) - which is higher than my normal 5.something - after dinner which is unusual and 4.9 (approx 85) which is lower than my normal 5.something morning reading when I got up this morning again, unusual.
I read somewhere that it can help to have a glass of red wine or apple cider vinegar in water (yuk) I tried the cider vinegar and just couldn't do it, I'm definitely not a great wine drinker but I've been trying a little (very little!) glass of red wine with my evening meal and that seems to work.
Hopefully someone will come along and explain things fir us.
Waking out of a sleep causes a rise in BG for everyone, Diabetes or not. It's also with noting that a person without Diabetes of any type will still have fluctuating blood glucose levels with the range you note.
Why worry about it if it happens to you most of the time. If you have your diabetes under control all the time but it a little higher in the morning then that's just how you are. We are all individual and react differently so it will be what it will be. Main thing is to have it under control most of the time. BUT is it sleep related. Do you get good sleep undisturbed and plenty of it. I have read that this can affect diabetics negatively.
Sleep! I thought I was getting lots of sleep but my husband gave me a Fitbit fir Christmas and I've discovered I don't get nearly as much sleep as I thought I was getting.
Last night I was in bed for 8rs 34 minutes and I according to the Fitbit I only actually slept for 4hours 58 minutes - the rest of the time was 'restless / awake'!
I knew I was restless but I was shocked, I don't waken up tired though and I'm not tired during the day but it bothers me because as you say lack of sleep can affect people who are diabetic.
I have reached 7 hours only once since Christmas and I've had a few 6hour sleeps. I know it isn't good for me and I've tried absolutely everything I can think of to improve my sleep yet I don't improve.
I've read somewhere that it might be worth people who get the 'dawn phenomenen' taking readings in the early hours to see what is going on and when but even though it's higher than I want its not that high doing that might be a bit obsessive, besides I'm wanting to get as much sleep as I can.
Dratch - how well do you sleep? it would be interesting to see if you sleep restlessly.