My Latest Blood Test Results: Friends, I've... - Diabetes India

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My Latest Blood Test Results

barani19 profile image
7 Replies


I've done my blood test today. These are the results.

FBS = 111 mg/dL

Fasting serum Insulin = 9.9 mu-IU/mL

Insulin Resistance:

Current HOMA-IR = (Glucose x Insulin) / 405 = 111 X 9.9/405= 2.713

Historical values:

a) Aug 2019: 114 X 11.9/405 = 3.34

b) Feb 2019: 111 X 13.63/405= 3.73


Current Value: 6.5 mg/dL

Historical Values

a) August 2019: 6.7 mg/dL

b) June 2019: 6.7 mg/dL

Lipid Profile

Current values (December 2019):

Total Cholesterol -> 211mg/dL (desirable < 200) -> Borderline

Triglycerides -> 91 mg/dL (desirable < 150)

HDL Cholesterol -> 44 mg/dL (desirable > 40)

LDL Cholesterol -> 148 mg/dL(desirable < 100) -> Borderline

VLDL Cholesterol -> 18.2 mg/dL(desirable < 30)

Non-HDL Cholesterol -> 167 mg/dL (desirable < 130)

Triglyceride/HDL ratio = 2.07

Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio/ castelli index = 4.8

LDL/HDL ratio = 3.36

I managed to reduce my weight by around 4 to 4.5 Kgs in 3 months. My current BMI is 26.2 kg/sq.m. What are your observations?

Praveen55 , namaha , Do you have any specific observation on these results?

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barani19 profile image
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7 Replies
Paramuae profile image

Your report shows improvement in your lipid profile, I recommend you to put more efforts to bring your BMI further down. Reduce carbs and take more good fat i.e olive oil , avocado if available at your place , salmon fish, walnuts etc. do brisk walk atleast 30 minutes daily . Best of luck for a better health👍

barani19 profile image
barani19Administrator in reply to Paramuae

Thanks for the inputs Paramuae .

I will work on reduce my BMI further.

I do have good fats like peanuts, almond, cashew nuts, coconut meat, paneer, chia seeds etc in my diet.

I walk a minimum of 50 minutes or do cross trainer daily.


rnpath profile image

almost unbelievable good values i only wonder your energy levels unless your lifestyle is sedentary. reducing it further will open the door to hypoglycemia and better to avoid it

barani19 profile image
barani19Administrator in reply to rnpath

Thanks rnpath . I work in the IT industry. So, i sit in chair for most of the day.

To be frank, I feel more energetic now. I use to have light infrequent dizziness right from my late teens. Now, that is gone.

My food intake/requirements has drastically reduced and i skip my food once in a while, which was almost impossible till some months ago.

I feel energetic even at 80 mg/dL( tested few times in my glucometer).

namaha profile image

Dear Barani19

Sorry , could not respond earlier!

You seem to be progressing very well! Keep it up.👍

(1) Your IR as indicated by HOMA IR is improving purely by your weight are now becoming Insulin Sensitive.

(2) your Hba1c has also improved..

(3) Both 1 and 2 will improve further if you further reduce your weight....

(4) I wish you raise your hdl level a bit more . All leading hospitals have raised the minimum requirement to 60...

(5) Hope , the above result which you have achieved is without any medication... Not even Metformin....please confirm for benefit of all members...

However, Metformin may benefit you a lot as it is the old work horse with out much serious side effects.. it would expedite enhancing insulin sensitivity and weight reduction process...

Yes, for obese T2 with high blood insulin levels , it is easy managing T2 and even arresting progression...and even reversing ....

Barani is an example and inspiration for all overweight / obese T2....

Best of luck !

At last but not the least , Please ensure you check your hsCRP level to ensure you don't have body / endothelial inflammation.......

As your body is producing excessive LDL....

Also to be safer check your TSH level to ensure you don't have hypo-thyroid....

barani19 profile image
barani19Administrator in reply to namaha

Hi namaha ,

Thanks a lot for your wishes.

I give credits to you for my weight reduction as i cut 10-15% of my calories daily based your suggestion.

Thanks for your point 4) on HDL. Any food/diet you recommend to improve this number?

On point 5), I'm not on any medications, not even metmorfin. I'm not sure an endocrinologist will not prescribe metmorfin for me now( :) ). By the way, I have stopped visiting any doctor for T2D.

Thanks for suggestion to take hsCRP and TSH tests. I do take these tests yearly once. Is this frequency ok?

My hsCRP value was 1.0 mg/L three months ago.

TSH was 1.88 uIU/ml five months ago.


namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to barani19

Great Job!

For your HDL, you are already taking Good fats....

May be you could exercise twice daily min 45 mnts each time in the morning and evening... Fast walk as much as you can combined with some kind of resistance training 15 mnts per day would be helpful...

Good to note that your historical lab report on hsCRP and TSH are normal...

Your fasting blood Insulin levels used to be 14-15 in the past which has now come down to 9.9...

Your Pancreas Betacells are quite healthy@ 74 as against 60 minimum for healthy pancreas... if we compute HOMA B from the formulae HOMA- B =(360xFI)÷(FG-63)...

Yours is a classis case of obese type 2 with high insulin levels in the blood which is now brought down by reducing weight, exercise and diet...

You don't need any insulin Secretagogue at all... At best you may need an insulin sensitiser if required in future...

However, keep monitoring your Lab numbers at regular intervals...

May God Bless you !

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