Hello all, I have pre-diabetes from last 7 years, without going into Diabetes Mellitus 2 as yet. I am 50 years old. Recently I read about the benefits of Fenugreek seeds on reducing blood sugars, especially helpful for Pre-diabetes as I am not on any diabetic medications, and from last 8 days I am taking daily 2 doses of 1 tbsp Fenugreek seeds tea. I think it is helping me, because I feel more better after ingesting it. I also have completely cut off sugar in my teas and diets, and am instead taking Raw Honey in my daily 2 cups of milk tea,(or coffee). It tastes just as good even with Raw Honey also. I eat limited junk food, and deep fried foods, and very limited sweets. Daily I also am taking a big heaped bowl of varied fruits at night in replacement of dinner. For lunch, I take in 3/4th small bowl of Red rice only with some veggies sambar or palya and some curds rice. I am also taking in daily Raw honey with lime in lukewarm water on empty stomach and in 2 weeks of this treatment I lost 2 kilos. I also take in 645 ml of water on empty stomach immediately after waking up. I am also very active daily in doing plenty of house work and also go to gym for 3 times per week. I have also started doing Pranayamas and deep breathing exercises. I plan to get my blood tests done after 3 months of these treatments, and see if they have helped me for lessening my blood sugars, and my cholesterol. I also am soon switching to Herbal Chamomile teas instead of milk teas, as herbal tea has no caffeine in it, and does not require milk, sugar or lime for flavoring. I also have ordered Alaskan Salmon OIl tablets (American brand fish oil), Probiotics tablets, and also Prebiotics tablets, Collagen Peptides made from Bovine gelatin, Extra Virgin Coconut oil for eating 3 tbsps per day, Raw Unpasteurized Honey, Spirulina tablets, Bee Pollen and also Royal Jelly (all are original American companies only and not Indian for their qualities sake). I will update everyone who are interested in reading this post, about any benefits I am getting from all these supplements. Thanks all for reading.
Sudha Rao