I am new here. I am a type 2 diabetic for the last 22 years. Recently i had a cold and cough . In spite of increasing the insulin my blood sugar after lunch and dinner went to 240 -250. Scary. Why is this? Anybody faced a similiar situation ?Any response would be welcome . Thanks.
illness and blood sugar rising: I am new here... - Diabetes India
illness and blood sugar rising

Sorry, This is a bit high. Pls watch what you eat?
Are you on meds or insulin?
For me, I still, luckily, can take care of diabetes with King Chilli.
Try this one if you are having belging belly.
And pls, if possible, how did you tackle diabetes all those years?
Wishing you best to defeat diabetes mate.
Been on insulin for the last 9 years .Before that on oral meds. king Chilli ? Please elaborate.
Welcome to the group, Jaybeebala .
What meds. were you taking before being prescribed insulin? Which type/brand of insulin? Slow or fast acting?
For illness, blood sugars sometimes can bounce back and forth from highs and lows and back again. When I was sick, I had to change my insulin doses every few days. My blood sugars were in the 300's and some very low numbers, as well. I'm a type 1 diabetic.
I was on high doses of met formin for many years.Also on glimipride.Stopped met formin because it didn't suit my stomach after some time.Insulin is'Novomix .mixof both short and long acting.Thanks for welcoming me to the grp.
Generally speaking any infection increases insulin resistance. That is why your sugar is rising in spite of insulin. Your blood sugar will come back to pre infection level once infection is fully controlled.
This is called inflammation ,not infection.

You are an example how without idm one has to switch to insulin.
You are welcome on this forum. Please post your diet and lab reports here.
You can be off insulin if manage you diet properly. Learn lchf philosophy and get drugfree.
Infection cause bs to rise. Don't worry.
Gud luk.