There r so much persons suffering that FBs is beyond the normal figure If u eat heavy then also is it possible to raise the BS normal value or if u eat very small quantity of food then also t maybe high
Generally most of them completes night dinner within 9 Am (It isbetter at least diabetic or prediabetic concerned )
After 9-30 Am to early morning upto 7-30 is more than 10 hours the body is empty The food consuming in the body how much time it take to digest why FBS is raise here the food is insufficient to More than 8 hours or 10 hours Fbs tobe tested
If FBs is more than normal value how can u treat it ? Wh
Whether it is food insffcient or excessquantity ? Some of them says if westarving night or very less food consuming then also FBS became more than normal
Please clarify
further Random Bloodsugar is how much believable As per Doctors opinion Random blood sugar is at any time dayit founds 140 - 180 range is safe and the person maybe operated if he hasany surgical problems If it exceeds more than 200 then first thing to down the figure and then operation may be taken
So Random figure is necessary Any time of the day is Blood sugar value is within 140 for non diabetic persons ? please clarify Thanks