I am Amit Kumar, 37 years old from Gurgaon. I am married and my work involved an 8 hour sitting job. This concern is mainly for diabetes, please read on my story and suggest something, please. Due to my family concerns, personal problem, past and the troubles I went through in my life, along with my weak heart and extra emotional nature, I got first anxiety problem after two years of my wedding in 2007. Then it increased year over year and added depression to my life with hopelessness, loss of interest and more troubles. I tried religious remedies, astrological solutions, etc. but it all went without any success. I struggled from 2009 to 2014 and suffered a lot. Then I went to Psychiatrist in Medanta Hospital who tried to cure me for about one year. Then he sent me to a psychologist who further conducted 4-5 sessions and treated me. I was and I am now treated well for those ailments with minor of them still remaining. I stopped psychologist’s treatment in 2016 after I felt there was no further need. During the time the treatment was on, in 2015, I came to know that I had aggravated levels of 292mgdl of blood sugar. Then I went for HBA1C test that came with reading 7.6. I can surely say that these levels were due to 3 reasons. One, due to anxiety/depression, two, due to my lifestyle, three, hereditary as my father is diabetic. After that I made remarkable changes in my diet and somewhat minor changes in lifestyle. I stopped or ate very less rice, potato, maida and sugar. Lifestyle changed I could not alter much as my work timings are different, they are from 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm. This helped a little but my readings always hovered around 110-150 for fasting, and 180-230 2-3 hours after food. In 2016, hba1c was 7.3. In Jan 2017 hba1c was 10. In April 2017 again it was 10. During past 15-20 days, they are 150 fasting and 290 after food. I am eating chapatis regularly. 4 chapatis each time in lunch and dinner. Sometime 2chapatis in morning extra. I don’t know what to do, what to eat, not to eat, how much to eat, whether I should eat medicines or not, what treatment to follow. I am thinking to go for ayurvedic treatment to start with. Can you please help. You have mentioned in your post that you can help. Please help me. I would be very grateful to you.
Please please advise me. I am in stress due... - Diabetes India
Please please advise me. I am in stress due to my diabetes.

You BS levels are quite high ,HBA1C at 10 requires action ,so you should see a diabetologist and start medication which may be reduced later on, in consultation with the doc.( when you are able to control the high levels ), You have to reduce carbohydrates in your diet ,take less of rotis ,rice, bread,biscuits and other things made of maida etc. A diabetic should take around 100 gms. of carbs /day and the rest of the food should be green veggies and all other vegetables and salads except those growing underground like potatoes ,carrots, beetroot etc.you should consume more of cheese, butter desi ghee , virgin coconut oil , hung curd, moong sprouts, eggs , nuts like peanuts,walnuts almonds .If you are a non vegetarian you will have many more options to eat in place of rotis .After dinner have a table spoon of isabgol husk in half a glass of water,it contains lots of watersoluble and non soluble fiber, which is good for a diabetic. So take charge of your diet and research on the net there is so much to learn about this disease that you can develop a diet plan that suits you best .Do keep monitoring you sugar levels at home frequently ,this will give you an idea of how your body reacts to different foods . Good luck and cheer up
If you are less on physical excercise than Try to avoid Carbs as much as possible. Eat 2 chapati instead of 4 and add some besan in whole wheat aata.
In morning breakfast you can have omlet or besan chila instead of chapati. Use more vegetables and salads in meal. This way your hunger will be satisfied with less carb. And if possible wake up early in the morning before sun rise and do not eat after sunset bcz body don't need extra Calories in evening as metabolism is lower that time. Push yourself for excercise. Meanwhile you can consult with your doctor to control the sugar and take medication as per their advice. Once you've your blood sugar levels under control than you can stop the medication step by step.
Hope this helps and please keep in mind that you should not be penic or tensed as this will make your life worsening. Just eat healthy diet , change your life style and add little excercise and you will be fine within some time.
Best of luck
I know one very good person in your city , who helps anybody having DM2 and he will guide you properly ..He is very busy corporate guy but he gives his time to talk to any one who need his help .. he is mr pramit ... here is his email id . pramit.bhargava@gmail.com . you can contact him and get his mobile no .. He is very inspirational .. speak to him once .. . If you want his phone number , let me know , When i was first diagnosed , he helped me lot and took off my fear about . DM2
Yes can you please give his number and please tell me how to initiate the conversation. Also, what is DM2
Sorry , I dont want to share his number in public forum with out his permission . He is very nice person , You mail him first with your details he will tell you when to call him ( mostly on weekends - as he works in big corporate company ) . his email id is : "pramit.bhargava@gmail.com " email him and he will give contact number .
you can check him in this video -- youtube.com/watch?v=2knVCQE... .. he will share his experience .. you can treat him as friend ..
he will respond with one day. He spoke with very friendly and for long time .. and You are from the same city , if possible you can meet him also ..
let me know , how your conversion went with him
I have also been there and came out, one or the other time mental health affects everyone due to circumstances, eventually things will change.
I feel 4 chaptahis is too much to eat at a time, i suggest eat 1 chaptahi ut repalce the toher 3 with vegetables llow in carbs, also reduce food intkae you will see changes
Amit Kumar, diabetes is easily reversible. It is very sad that you are suffering thus. As mentioned above, one way to start on the road to recovery is to adopt the LCHF diet. You can be healthy again.
Weight reduction with diet
* Avoid single high concentrated meals.
* Small frequent meals.
* Food high in fibre content like vegetables, whole pulses, fruits, etc.
Ideal combination of diabetic diet should be:--
Carbohydrates: 55-60%.
Fat: 30%.
Proteins: 15-20% (0.8g /kg /body wt).
Fibres 40 g/day.
Do not eat at all:--
Sugar, jam, syrups, honey, sweets, chocolates, fruit juices, ice creams, cold drinks, glucose drinks, cakes and pastries, sweet biscuits, puddings
and protein powder with sugar.
Eat in moderation:--
Bread, chapatis, oat porridge, cornflakes (No sugar), Cheese, butter, Noodles or spaghetti, macroni, Thick soups, Milk & milk products, Chicken,
lean meat, fish.
Take unrestricted:--
* Salads (cucumber, tomato, onion, raddish, salad leaves).
* Vegetables (cabbage, baigan, lady fingers, french beans, methi, palak).
* Fruits (except banana, chockoo or mangoes).
* Sprouted beans and pulses.
* Marie biscuit (with less sugar).
* Clear soups, Lemon juice, Buttermilk
Adopt DASH diet (Mediterranean diet). Eat a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet, which includes cottage cheese, fat-free milk,
fish, vegetables, poultry, and egg whites. Use monounsaturated oils such as olive, peanut, and canola oils or polyunsaturated
oils such as corn, safflower, soy, sunflower, cottonseed, and soybean oils. Avoid foods with excess fat in them such as meat
(especially liver and fatty meat), egg yolks, whole milk, cream, butter, shortening, pastries, cakes, cookies, gravy, peanut
butter, chocolate, olives, potato chips, coconut, cheese (other than cottage cheese), coconut oil, palm oil, and fried foods.