Hi All,
My Fasting Sugar was 117 and 2 hours after it was 257 and HA1C was 5.9 in November 2016. My Dr. gave me medicine and sugar was 110 after fasting and 147 after 2 hours of breakfast and HA1C was 5.6 in December 2016.
I started walking minimum 1 hour daily and loose 4-5 KG in 3 month.
I again check sugar 2 times in March 2017 after having food. 2 hours after it was 89 first time and 91 second time. I went to test after not having alcohol at least 3-4 days.
Does having alcohol for 3 days says Monday, Tue, Wed and go for sugar test on Friday shows high number of glucose in blood?
Also my blood pressure is 130/80 today but it was 120/80 in March 2017. Any Help or suggestions please ?
I am 34, Male.