My blood sugar fasting comes 160 and after 2 hours it comes 210 and my HBA1C is 6.9. I am dibetic since from 1995. And I have all my blood test reports since from 15 years but my HBA1C remains between 6.5 -7.0. What should I do for fasting.please help me.And I am also very strict on diet and timings.
Fasting remains high: My blood sugar fasting... - Diabetes India
Fasting remains high

Are you type 1 or type 2 or LADA (1.5)? What had your doctor told you to do during the last appointment with him/her? Do they want you to count carbs for each meal and snack? Are you on insulin? If so, which brand? How much for each dose?
I am taking sitagliptin 100mg in morning and 1 gliclazide 80 mg and metformin sr 500mg (1 tablet) in afternoon and 1 tablet of gliclazide 80 mg at night. No any insulin. Thanks God.
And i am very strict on diet and timing as well.
Hi, I have lowered my blood sugar significant using 1 of 8 things:
1. Apple cider vinegar (works for high carb meals and high fat meals)
2. Gentle digest, its my cat's supplement contains chicory root (for high fat meals)
3. Atkins bar with any meal (works for high carb and high fat meals) or Atkins meals
4. 1-2 drops NOW Peppermint Oil (works for high carb and high fat meals)
5. Celery (works for high carb and high fat meals) even with cream cheese on it!
6. Fresh strawberries sliced, even if I used a little bit of sugar
7. 2-3 Celery stalks, with or without cream cheese
8. Source Naturals Holy Basil for high cortisol levels raising blood sugar. (For me this is only at night, so I take it at night for through the night into combat the dawn effect.) You will know if you have high cortisol at night if after dinner you are tired but later your energy returns so may a problem going to sleep at night. Also, this Holy Basil calms me and helps me sleep.
9. And if you like milkshakes... an Atkins vanilla shake, blended with about 12 strawberries and 1 pkt Stevia (or splenda if you prefer) will lower blood sugar at any time of day or night and combat the dawn effect as well. (works for high carb meals and high fat meals). And, this tastes as good or better than a McDonald's shake and is just as thick, plus works fantastic
strict on diet will not help u.. u need to workout your body