Finally my HbA1c comes to non diabetic rang... - Diabetes India

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Finally my HbA1c comes to non diabetic range 5.40 without medicine

72 Replies

Hello Friends ,

I am very happy to inform you that my HbA1c comes down to 5.4. Now i am medicine free since last 3.5 month.

03/10/2015 - 11.7

30/1/2016 - 5.7

Again thanks to Anup and all who emphasizes to switch on LCHF.

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72 Replies
MikePollard profile image

Well done, thanks for posting!

jan-ran profile image
jan-ran in reply toMikePollard

This might be a good place to post my own update. After 11 weeks of lchf diet, my diabetic nurse is very pleased to see that my cholesterol is down, kidney function perfect, blood pressure normal, weight down, BMI down to normal, hba1c down to 4.6. She said if this drops another 2 points I can stop taking metformin. All other tests are in range except gamma gt. As I know that I have non alcoholic fatty liver disease, (nafld) this is no surprise. However, I was disappointed, as I was sure that it would have improved along with all the rest. Does anyone have any comments about this?

MikePollard profile image
MikePollard in reply tojan-ran

Well done Jan,

The next step is intermittent fasting.

It takes very little time to get used to a daily 18 hour fast, and you don't get hungry.

Typically I fast from 5 or 6 pm until 12 the next day. I break the fast with say a medium avocado, bit of cheese and a few nuts. That takes me round to the evening once again when I will have a heavy fat meal eg, eggs, bacon, sausage. Might even have some chickpeas (resistant starch) swimming in butter, some broccoli maybe. Even with those carbs (less than 25 gms) I remain in nutritional ketosis.

Yesterday's total was roughly 1200 cals. (on a weight loss thing). It's nearly 9am and I won't eat until probably 1pm.

Here's the full Roy Taylor lecture, but Jason Fung's the go to.

jan-ran profile image
jan-ran in reply toMikePollard

Thanks for that link Mike. My hb and I will watch that together. Roy Taylor was the inspiration for Michael moseley's book the 8 week blood sugar diet, which started us on the lchf diet. Also will look up Jason fung. We have actually progressed to intermittent fasting, as Moseley's other book is about that. (The fast diet). It's all good, apart from the liver issue. 😕 I quite like your fasting regime, I think it might work for me, going without breakfast. 🙂

MikePollard profile image
MikePollard in reply tojan-ran

Hi Jan,

My fasting regime is unique to me and tailored for my needs. I actually enjoy forgetting the need to eat as my body tells me what to do - ie I need to loose some weight and put in place the mechanism to do just that.

Your picture suggests you aren't overweight so all you need to do is fast, then eat LCHF whenever you are hungry - you will then get to your set weight, as indeed I shall.

jan-ran profile image
jan-ran in reply toMikePollard

I have been overweight - for me, Mike. I was such a skinny person, that a few pounds over the years didn't look too bad! But now the 'old' me is re- emerging, I can see just how chunky I had become. I am more keen than ever to succeed at this. My hb too. Both my sons are getting interested, and have taken note that mother has become diabetic after years of eating the wrong stuff. I am spreading the word!

Thri profile image
Thri in reply tojan-ran

You look lovely to me Jan!!

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tojan-ran

Congrats jan-ran !

Are you on ketogenic LCHF diet?

jan-ran profile image
jan-ran in reply tojingale

Not sure about ketogenic, but yes I am on lchf, started March 7th. Did it for 8 weeks. It entailed no more than 800 Cals a day, which may sound hard, but it wasn't really. Soon got used to it. Now we are doing intermittent fasting to maintain and even lose more weight as we need to. Jan

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tojan-ran


800 calories and lchf. You must be ketogenic. 20% of 800= 160%4= 40 g carbs.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tojan-ran


i think you can drop metformin

jan-ran profile image
jan-ran in reply tosuramo

I will be asking my diabetic nurse when I next see her. In the meantime, I have spoken to my gp this morning. He says I can stop statins, stop flecainide (for atrial fibrillation, then use it as pip when necessary) and have another blood test in two months to see how I'm doing. There is still the matter of my gamma gt level, which has gone up a bit due to who- knows- what. That's why I'm stopping atorvastatin to see what difference that makes. Anyone got any experience of lchf diet and fatty liver reversal? Jan

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tojan-ran

What is gamma gt?

jan-ran profile image
jan-ran in reply tosuramo

Its a liver enzyme, one of several that are tested routinely when you have diabetes. ( Others are bilirubin, alkaline phosphate, ALT, and albumin) When any level changes, it is a marker to be watched in case liver function is compromised by diabetes or fatty liver. A year ago, when my gamma gt went up for the first time, my gp suspected nafld and I had a liver scan which confirmed it. Gamma gt is usually the marker for people who are drinking too much, and may be alcoholics. In those of us who don't drink to excess but still get fatty liver, it is labelled non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Jan

mrgoyal profile image
mrgoyal in reply tojan-ran

thanks for information . can you kindly guide me also about the lchf diet you are taking daily to control diabetes . please mention about the kind of meals you are taking and what fruits one can take. my age is 84 years. please guide me positively and looking forward your reply hbalc this time has come to 8.0.Thanks.

jan-ran profile image
jan-ran in reply tomrgoyal

Hi mrgoyal. This is a list of the kind of foods I eat: Chicken, fish, prawns, lamb, pork, cooked ham. Cheese, eggs, milk, butter, creme fraiche, cream , yoghurt, cottage cheese, peanut butter, hummus, baked beans, chickpeas, avocado, porridge, nuts, fruit, (apples pears blueberries strawberries tangerines, raspberries, rhubarb, passion fruit. ) lots of green vegetables and salad stuff. To drink, tea, coffee and water. sometimes A little red wine. there are probably other items, but you get the idea. My hbA1c has dropped to 46, I think that's about 6.4.. Jan

Shailp profile image

Congratulations on your success, keep it up. LCHF is one of the ways to keep diabetes under control. Everybody has different preferences but if your regime allows you to stay medicine free and keep diabetes under control it is SUCCESS. It doesn't matter how you got there.

Don't get too comfortable with the numbers and keep up your regime. The important thing is to keep your A1C numbers in the non-diabetic range.

Good health to all


Control on diet without medicine

Really great

Continue and keep monitoring the levels to keep in check

You are one more example in addition to Anup to be medfree

kanchan13 profile image

Pls share in detail your diet, as to how you managed to get such a fantastic result.

It will be inspirational for All of us.

in reply tokanchan13

i am counting my carbohydrates only. Maximum intake of carbohydrates per day is <100 Gm. i am eating everything (some time rice also) but carbs intake restricted 15 - 25 gm per meal. Follow LCHF diet.

kanchan13 profile image

Can you pls put it in black & white your dietary routine of meals.

What exactly is breakfast, lunch & dinner ?

in reply tokanchan13

what is your current diet plane?

in reply tokanchan13

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

Shailp profile image

Anup I beg to differ. I don't think you are the most hated guy here. I can definitely say this for myself and I would say most people DO NOT HATE you or followers of LCHF in general. It is certain behaviors portrayed through use of certain type of language, that is unpopular with people like me.

I learned it the hard way (some time back) that you can't win a conversation with the other person if what you are saying is perceived as an attack on them or a negative talk. It doesn't matter if you are right and have the best of the intentions at heart. Which is why the saying -- you can catch more flies with honey as opposed to using vinegar.

Peace bro.

karch profile image
karch in reply toShailp

@Shailp ...I agree ...Its Anup's own view that people hate him :) ...that's not true if you go and ask people :) Its not a joke to help 600 people and remember them with their stories ...@Anup...Forgive people for hating you ...if someone does so :) ...see how many count on you :) Afterall life is not for making people happy ...let the people feel what they want to feel :) :)

karch profile image

I appreciate your will power :)

sharada_nbt profile image
sharada_nbt three months!!! thats some feat achieved.....what exactly was your diet...could you spell it out please... thanks

in reply tosharada_nbt

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

sunprosystem profile image

plz give me LCHF programme in detail

Mahendra37 profile image

What's LCHF ?

Mahendra37 profile image

Please give details of your diet in detail , I am purely vegetarian

in reply toMahendra37

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

Sugu profile image

Well done Yadav. Keep it up. Anup, you are not a hated guy. You are a beacon to many. Karch, steel will power like Gandhiji is not required. An ordinary man like me could come down from 13 to 5.1 in four months (hba1c). Some tips.

Keeping different options open for variety. Remember, monotony and self pity are the two factors that prevent people from sticking to the diet.

Take little bit of tabooed items once in a while for taste rather than total taboo that may bring in frustration and dissappintment.

Keep steady on carb count and experimentation with various food items.

Sometimes your body could respond in a different way compared to others.

For example, I can take cassava (tapioca) and limited quantity of sweet potato without spiking my ppbs- can you believe it ?. Of course these are boiled with a lot of water that is drained out.

A walk after dinner is immenesly helpful. Be active and make sure that some extra calories are burnt every day.

Over a period time your body will learn to live with limited supply of insulin. You have to help the proceess by limiting the intake of carbs. Cheers

kapilv profile image

I have come to remission on a high carb low fat diet. It is not nonsense. From a fasting bg of 320+ from a year ago, mine is consistently in the 90s of below.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tokapilv


please let us know how you achieved this.

Sridhar83 profile image
Sridhar83 in reply tosuramo

Yes let us know what you eat.

IsmayilKongad profile image

Dear Mr. Anup,

Who said that you are "the most hated guy here"? It will take time to realize the facts. Like the followers of truth. The truth will not get so many followers at the beginning. I really appreciate your efforts in this LCHF even though I couldn't follow it 100%.

lax32 profile image

pl tell abt ur diet It will help me a lot

in reply tolax32

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

sugarsugar profile image

I don't think you were diabetic mr. Yadav. You had high sugar level for only 3 months, may be because of your eating habits. Your pancreas must be working fine. But congratulations indeed and follow your new diet

dvrma profile image

Sir please share your diet plan

Will be helpful for all


zakir-375 profile image

What was your diet plan I and other members want know Mr. Yadav.

in reply tozakir-375

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

kanchan13 profile image

Your the one who has achieved a stupendous result, so don't you think it would be more appropriate if you tell us in detail your diet.

I am a vegetarian & have just returned from a holiday, where I had abs no control on the food being served to me.

The option avble to me was either starve or eat what was served.

So quite messed up at the moment.

Need to get back to normal diet for me.

Pls do share your diet because it will benefit a lot of ppl on the forum.

Anupji never allowed himself to reach Hb1ac of a high level.

But you were that high & from that a high to come down to a medicine free, is an excellent achievement.

Pls do share with all how you have managed such a fantastic feat.

nairrajis profile image

Congrats, TN_Yadav. You have achieved your target.

Body reacts differently for different people. I feel, you are one of the lucky few who was able to start monitoring your BS early on and control it quickly before your pancreas got affected any further. That was why you saw instant results. Good work.

Congrats, and keep up your good numbers.

MM_Shaikh profile image

Hi Yadev

Congradulations to you for your achievement to control your blood sugar without medicine. Would appreciate if you could write to us in detail as what are the foods you had with quantities for us to understand much better. Thank You

in reply toMM_Shaikh

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

MM_Shaikh profile image

Hi Yadav

Noted with thanks

pravinjadhav profile image

Hello mr yadav, congrats for your achievement, i had one querry about your routine work, do you exercise or go to gym???? If so how much you work out???

in reply topravinjadhav

No Exercise, I use to ladder instead of lift in my office and help my wife at home :)

karch profile image

@anup..If people want you to be behind them...will you follow them ...and behave and speak in the way they want you to be? ...This all is hard learned lessons in my life ....maintain your original style despite people's attempt to modify will find inner peace...feel like winner rather than being dragged into a constant struggle...they want to waste your energy in useless struggle which will result in it productive in any sense? Ask yourself ...does it serve your purpose to help the people in need in forum ?? Respond but don't blast :) ...From today forgive them for what they did ...start fresh...delete all the traces/files of virus from computer of your brain...forgiveness is very healing experience ...but very tough to implement :)

karch profile image

@anup ...why do want to learn "certain words, phrases and slang in public domain"... ;) ...Is it so good...lets learn all of us together :)

Shailp profile image

Anup thanks for the note. I haven't and am not lecturing anyone here, nor am I here to police anyone. Clearly you are so biased by your own views. Make note that speaking politically correctly and sugar coating are not essentially the same. The later is revealing partial truth or hiding truth using lucid language. Whereas politically correct talk means refraining from using certain words, phrases and slang.

So all I would say is if you insist you are the most hated man here then so be it.

karan79 profile image

plz share your daily diet..

in reply tokaran79

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

ravirao57 profile image

Anup Saab

We need not search for God in mountains and temples but can be found in people like you.I have been following your LCHF Diet for the past two months.Results are excellant.Previously I followed Mantena Satyanarayana raju salt less vegitarian diet wiht 5 Ltrs Water daily for 4 months strictly.I bacame very weak and could not walk even for 5 minutes.The diet what he suggested is tasteless and practically difficult to follow.I was fedup

and made mad and when I was thinking what should be done to comeout of this hell of life long disease then I found your site luckly while I was browsing on web vagulely and went through your site and went through the details especially self management of diabetic and importannce of coconut and peanut,almond and other LCHF diet details especially given by you in a detailed manner.Doubtfully I started LCHF whether it works. After few days I found good results and immediately I started reading again and again things noted in your site how to manage diabetes. I followed strictly.

Now my PPBS readings after two hows varies between 98 to 101.FFBS reading between 96 to 101.

Anup Saab I thank you very much for the social service which you are rendering to the humanity through your site with out money motive.

Poor people like us are really benefitted particularly countries like india where commercial doctors are sqeeging our blood by prescribing various tests and costly drugs whenever we consult them.

I thank you once again.May god give you enough health,wealth and strength and long life to you.


Ravi Rao


Sridhar83 profile image
Sridhar83 in reply toravirao57

Dear Sri Ravi Rao

Good to take note of your post. I am a veg too but wish to know what to eat. 5 to 10 almonds and a cup of curd I tried for breakfast but I got hunger in no time. Please suggest me what to eat veg menu for b/f, Lunch and for dinner time. Please. What is black coffee with VCO mean also I wish to know. Thanks please help me.

ravirao57 profile image
ravirao57 in reply toSridhar83

Dear Sridhar

VCO means Virgin coconut oil which is extracted from raw coconut meat.If you want to know more details go through the site

Black coffee with VCO is nothing but coffee without milk and sugar and adding 1 or 2 spoons of Virgin coconut oil.

The details of my Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

At 6.00 AM Morning Black coffee with out sugar and milk

AT 7.30 Am 100 Grams Peanuts (soaked before night and break fast in next day morning)

Some times at 8.30 AM Butter Milk

AT.9.30 AM Tea with Milk but with out sugar served at office.

At.1.00 PM Lunch 300 Grams Vegitable Curry in combination of

the one of the following with or without Virgin coconut oil

a)Okra+Tamato+Onions+VCO(adding little Mirchi powder&salt)

b)Brinjal+Tamato+Onions+VCO(adding little Mirchi powder&salt)

c)Cluster Beans Fry Adding little Mirchi Powder and Garlic +little fried chick peas powder+salt

d)Cucumber +Onions adding little Mirchi powder and salt

e)Brinjal fry(adding little bit Mirchi Powder+Salt+Garlic+little fried chick peas powder)

Since the above Vegitable curry may not satisfy my hunger I take 40 to 50 grams fresh coconut meat along with the above vegitable curry.

Earlier I used to purchase VCO on line and used for preparations.But now I am cooking above vegitables with out VCO which I can not afford regularly. Presenlty I am not using any oils for preparations.

Evenining Tea with milk and without sugar served at office.

Night Vegitable salad (with the following vegitables)

Cucumber+Tamato(1 large cucumber or 2 small cucumbers with 2 or 3 tamatoes.

I avoided all junk foods.It at all happens to go out side on tour I prefer Almond,Peanuts,Fresh Coconut and only vegitable curry of 250 grams available at Hotels. I avoided rice and wheat totally.Even a 25 to 40 grams chepathi made with wheat flour would spike my sugar levels upto 145 to 160.Since I targeted to keep my PPBS sugar levels below 120 I am following strict diet.

Whenever I go outside and desire happen to eat something I prefer fried Peanuts which will not spike sugar levels.

The following items I totally avoided.

Sweets,Sugar,artificial sweetners,Root vegitables,Starchy vegitables,All oils.wheat and rice,all grains,Wheat and rice flours.Curd.

During sundays I take Coconut Milk along with peanuts as break fast.

During lunch I take vegitable soup along with vegitable curries and 50 grams of coconut.

This is menu of the poor man.

Dear Sridhar.LCHF means low carb and high fat means

Carbs per day should be below 100 grams

Proteins per day should be 50 grams

Fat per day should be 100 grams

Best wished

Ravi Rao

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply toravirao57


you can use klf coconad instead of vco. Coconad is made from dry copra but contains sfa 91% and lauric 47%. Cheaper than vco. May be slightly lower nutritionally. I know a few esp anup would not agree to use coconad but worth trying by those who find vco costly.

ravi_rao_1957 profile image
ravi_rao_1957 in reply tosuramo

Dear Suramo

Thanks for your suggestion.I will try.God bless you.

vyasbikaner profile image
vyasbikaner in reply toravirao57

What is ur diet now a days sir

cnt22 profile image

Well done. Congrats and wish you very happy healthy and sweet life ahead .

I am counting my Carbs and fat in per meal nothing else. There is no specific menu. My food culture is traditional north Indian. I have limited grains and other carbohydrate rich food only in my diet.

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

vishsmita profile image

Hello Anup , Will you please write to me on LCHF regime .I am type 2 diabetic since past 15 years and 1bAC is 7 .I am 57 years age with one angioplasty done

vishsmita profile image

Hi Congrats , will you please send me what is LCHF regime and how did you control your sugar level,I want to follow your guidelines .



ramloo profile image

Will you please tell me the diet that you have followed to achieve non diabetic level of hbA1c.

in reply toramloo

I am counting my Carbs and fat in per meal nothing else. There is no specific menu. My food culture is traditional north Indian. I have limited grains and other carbohydrate rich food only in my diet.

i have updated my profile with my diet. Please follow the link

karch profile image

@TN_Yadav much weight is lost in 3 months ?

sati006 profile image

how is your lipid levels?

Shailp profile image

Thanks. I will admit that it took me several years of learning and unintended aggrevation of people while making my point even though there were good intentions at heart.

safarisen profile image

I feel Type 2 diabetes is not a disease, it is a metabolic disorder. Diet control or sugar control is not the working solution. Get to the root and it corrects by itself slowly. Watch few things:

1) Intermittent fasting ( fast for a day every fortnight), drink jaggery+lemon water as needed, it will flush out the toxic elements/minerals slowly.

2) Magnesium is lost very fast in Type 2 Diabetic persons in urine, and it is very vital as it triggers 300+ vital enzyme reactions. Sufficient magnesium will balance your pre and post insulin levels.

3) Remember that insulin is the culprit in Type 2 diabetics, NOT sugar which is the effect of Hyperinsulinemia. Insulin Resistance is the actual cause, high sugar & all other manifestations are just effects.

4) You you can, then do stomach exercise to shed your internal visceral fat which will loosen your GLUT-4 cells. They are the receptors of insulin.

5) Diet, Metformin, and all drugs are for Diabetic Management, NOT cure.

Amitava71 profile image

Hi i need to know more about lchf.pls advice where and how .

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