My cholesterol is 130 but the triglycerides are 231. Blood urea is 43. My diabetes is under control with HbA1c of 6.0. I am taking a low carbohydrate diet, Rasuvastatin 5mg, Metoprolol 12.5mg and ramipril 5mg since a number of years. What should I do ?
My Triglycerides and blood urea are high. ... - Diabetes India
My Triglycerides and blood urea are high. What should I do?
High triglycerides is a side effect of blood pressure medications. If your condition is not genetic one then try to reduce or change (with doctor's consultation) BP medicines.
There are different reasons for elevated blood urea. What about kidney function test results ? Are you eating high protein diet?
Why Rosuvastatin?
Good morning, did you know that a healthy lifestyle can possitively impact your condition, even stabilize it? A low carb diet is good, but healthy carbs are ver important to keep your body healthy. Do you take healthy carbs? I will gladly send you FREE info, just send an email to
For excess urea in blood it adviced to use soda by carb one level teaspoon with half teaspoon lemon juice first thing in the morning for 15 day urea will go away
should consult nephrologist and than procced further.. also modification of life style as per job /business.
You may reduce your oil consumption in food intake and one capsul of LIPICARD 200mg one a day before meals