I was searching about vitamin D and found this group randomly. Happy to see some folks talking about LCHF diet. I have been reading and following Paleo diet for the past 2 years and seen significant improvements in my health and also in others who have followed this diet. I follow veg diet (egg included) which was a bit difficult and boring initially but with time, I managed to find more recipes and veg food which gives choices for good and yummy diet. Look forward to interacting with like minded people, sharing knowledge, diet plan and recipies
Another LCHF fellow...: I was searching about... - Diabetes India
Another LCHF fellow...

Any special reason to take so much interest in Vitamin D 3???
I was reading about how long it takes to increase vitamin D3 level up by taking supplements and sun session.
I saw my one of my pregnant relatives medical report and her vitamind D3 is very low. And this is not the first time, I see vitamin D3 deficiency, a lot of people I know are suffering from vitamin d3 including myself (my current vitamin D level is 28 nmol and still trying to improve it). Sunlight is available throughout the year in India but still Vitamin D3 deficiency is increasing a lot and it leads to most of the disease, particularly Thyroid and Diabetic.
All the people I know who are suffering from diabetic or Thyroid have very low level of Vitamin D3. They were never asked to check vitamin D level by doctors nor were they aware that they have vitamin D3 deficiency. And vitamin D3 is the most important for pregnant women. Generally doctors suggest vitamin supplements after all the tests but by the time, pregnant lady goes to the doctors, fetus is already into 4 to 6 weeks and taking supplement does not increase D3 to sufficient level in short span of time. So Identifying Vitamin D3 deficiency at early stage and taking corrective measures can surely help reduce diabetic, thyroid and many more chronic diseases.
You may take one calcirol sachet mixed with Desi ghee once a week.....for one month and then check D3 level .
Sure u will find fantastic increase.
I guess your D 3 level is normal level for Indians.
The D3 standards were fixed based on studies conducted on caucasian population.
No one knows what should be real level of D3 for Indians.
Do you know why we are deficient of Vit D?
Let me tell you.
We avoid taking fats
These vitamins like A, D, E are fat soluble vitamins
How can we expect the levels of these vitamins or the synthesis of the same if we don't take fats?
To add to this females now apply sunscreen lotions
This is only worsening it
Also like smart persons many are discarding the egg yellow which has readily bioavailable Vit D
In fact according to me we should discard the white and eat the yellow for better fat soluble vitamins levels as well as for bone health.
Take 2 eggs with the yellow daily. Spend just 15 mins a day in the sunlight.
You are through for Vit D
But there are studies which shows same low level of D3 in rural India...where they don't bother to cut down on fats and most of them work in bright sunlight in farms.
When I asked about this to doctor he said the melanin in dark skin hinders absorption. I guess in African population is also deficient of D3 due to dark skin
Your suggestion is good....instead of taking D 3 supplement ...it is better to consume egg yoke.
Well....I will be able to confirm this myself by 15 next month.
I have my last three months D3 levels.I am now taking D3 supplements also consuming lots of eggs....Home made butter...amul Cheese...
I know after supplementing with D3 sachets how much increase I got.
Now if there is more increase then it will be due to egg yoke and butter and cheese.
Dark pigmented. Possible.

egg omelette serve the purpose?

Thank you. I am gradually switching to lchf. I am exploring which fat suits me. My last 7 days average fbps was 114. PPBS is around 150-160 after two hrs and it comes down to 120-130 after two and half hours. Within 30mts it drops to almost normal value. Is it a positive sign? I am taking ACV and two roties(with ghee or butter and veg curry in lunch.
Good progress
Try to reduce I one roti
Add up salads
Add up boiled rajma and spRouts
Take one or two tsps of virgin coconut oil
Welcome to the group. Vitamin D a vital hormone badly neglected. I supplement with 5000iu in the winter, less in summer when out cycling.
Isn't 5000 a very high dose mike?
5000 is modest. People often take 10000 with no problem. In summer exposure to sunlight will get levels up to 20000 in about 20 minutes then the natural feedback mechanism kicks in and prevents levels rising higher.
Children at risk of rickets given a mega dose of vitamin D3 (10,000 IU/kg) over a period of 3 months with no adverse outcomes.
Another thing. Guess what makes that vitamin D? Sunlight on CHOLESTEROL! That wicked substance that is feared and despised by the great and good!
Thats how cat get theirs - cholesterol on the fur, sunlight, then they lick it off.
Well mike.
You would have better knowledge but in india the requirement is at the best 1000u/d or as i'm taking 60k per month for a diabetic. Vit d is a fat soluble and high doses can cause severe toxicity. So one has to be cautious and avoid high doses
I was tested for 25-OH Vitamin D Total and found to be 10.81 ng/ml which meant a deficiency in Vitamin D hence asked to take a regular walk in the morning after sun-rise. It's nice to hear the news abt Vitamin D3 deficiency and also would lie to hear more on the diabetic diet to improve same.
I am going for a monthly check-up again with LIFESPAN Doctor and would like to convey results after said tests.

let me tell you something more....
I was in to Dog breeding ..big hounds....And from My experience....all big hounds need D3 supplement in initial stage of life.
When pup is borne it is merely 600/700 GMs...and full grown is about 30/35 KGs...now they have to complete all this within span of just 18 months.
In compare to this human child birth weight is 3 kgs and full grown is about 70 kgs and that human has to complete this in about 18 yrs.
The vitamin requirement especially in big breed is huge.And most of time novice pet keeper doesn't know this....and most of vets don't understand and pup get deformity of legz.
If D3 is supplied pup get cured in just few weeks.
Dose is same one sachet of calcirol per week.
sir i am also vegetarian (only eggs included) pl give me some indian diet chart