Remain an active sportsman with diabetes. - Diabetes India

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Remain an active sportsman with diabetes.

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StopDiabetesDiabetes India
2 Replies

Preparing the individual with diabetes for a safe and enjoyable exercise program is as important as exercise itself. Before initiating an exercise program, one should see doctor for a physical examination. The checkup will help ensure that the exercise program will not increase the risk for diabetes complication. For example diabetic eye disease could become more severe by exercise that involves jumping or jogging.

In a sports person with diabetes especially Type 1 diabetes, blood glucose (BG) levels can fluctuate considerably during exercise. For the best performance and safety BG should be between 100 and 150 mg/dl during exercise.

Everyone’s BG response to exercise is different. Checking BG before and after exercise can show one’s BG response to exercise. One can use the results of BG checks to prevent low BG or high BG. The excitement of a competitive event can cause the BG to spike due to hormonal activity in the body. Anaerobic or strenuous exercise (e.g. sprinting, weight lifting) can raise the BG. If BG is high before exercise, physical activity can make it go even higher. It is best to avoid exercise if fasting BG levels are >250 mg/dl and ketosis is present, and use caution if glucose levels are >300 mg/dl and no ketosis is present. It is advisable to keep track of the progress. One may find it motivating to write down physical activity done on each day.

During activity, if you notice symptoms such as hunger, nervousness, shakiness, or sweating (symptoms suggestive of low BG), check BG. Low BG is most likely after exercising for a long time, strenuous exercise or skipping a meal. Unless you are exercising for an hour or more, you probably will not need to eat anything during or after your exercise session. Learn how to avoid low BG (hypoglycemia). Keep in mind that low BG can occur during or long after physical activity. If low BG is interfering with exercise routine, eating a snack before exercise or adjusting medication may help. If you do need a snack, prefer fast acting carbohydrate like fruits or yogurt. While exercising, carry hard candy, such as mints, in case BG drops too low.

Carry identification such as a medical ID (Hypoglycemia card) displaying your photo, name, address & contact number as well as name & contact number of the treating doctor. The card must mention the instruction to tackle hypoglycemia.

Stay well hydrated especially when you are out in the sun. Exercise can cause significant fluid loss.

Whether the sport is cricket, tennis, marathon-running, swimming, martial arts or rugby, the fear every young person raises after being diagnosed with diabetes is whether they will be able to carry on competing. Until recently, the outlook wasn't good, they could continue to enjoy sport but they could hardly expect to be record-breakers and award-winners.

Now a day, with advances in the management strategies, we do not treat diabetics in "sickness mode", but treat them in the manner in which the best sportsmen in their particular field eat, train and exercise. Monitoring BG levels seven or eight times a day, evaluating food intake and adjusting medication one can dominate sport at the very highest level.

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2 Replies
shuklabharat profile image

Thanks for being to the point.


Thanks for advising for taking care while exercising, but one question is how to see the BG level before and after exercise. Hoping you will guide me.Thanks once again Vilas Jadhav from Pune.

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