Overdose: This is my first post as I am... - Mental Health Sup...

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15 Replies

This is my first post as I am new today to this but also this is the day after my overdose. I have suffered from depression since I was 14 and I am now reaching 21 and I got asked yesterday what could help or what could change my feelings of wanting to be dead and I simply couldn't answer because it has gone on for so long it is all I know. I hope one day we all find a way to cope with this and we don't have to be ashamed or hide feelings that we so desperately need help with.

15 Replies
Stilltrying_ profile image

Are you in hospital and getting help? Gemma xx

in reply to Stilltrying_

No they didn't keep me in which I expected just waiting now for help from a councillor etc xx

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to

Hope you get some help from the counselling. So sorry to hear that you had reached this point and as others have said we are good listeners and a good support on here too. You are important; your life does matter. Each and every one of us deserves to get help and I hope you are able to get the help you need from here and elsewhere. XXxx

in reply to Stilltrying_

Thank you that means a lot and I hope to be able to support people as well like you all do xxx

linlow profile image

Welcome Hidden . As Stilltrying_ says, I hope that you are not alone after yesterday.

You'll find friendship and support on here if you want to chat or you can just sit back and watch if that suits you best but, please, don't be alone.

Welcome to this site,

How can we help our members are good listeners and do give support.

Suicide is never an answer as I have been in that drastic place myself, life is short enough and there is so much we can do or try through life. It is a shame to deny yourself the chances of a lifetime, so much to see and do


Robbie138 profile image

Hi, such a young age to suffer from depression, like a lot of most illnesses age doesn't come into it. You should be looking to enjoy life you are at the start of your journey, and good things are out there to be had and seen. Suicide is not an answer I know it may seem like it is but what of the devastation you leave behind, and yes I know we say well who comes first in the hurt side of things them or me cause I'm hurting right now and if I wasn't here my hurt would be gone, ( and theirs would just be beginning) i know when ŵe are in that downward spiral it's hard to see any bright future or any future at all but if we just stick with it a while longer, the light begins to shine. Please dont be ashamed or hide your feelings try and find someone who will genuinely listen and talk things through with you or come on here as a lot of the time getting it off your chest helps and you have to show it who's running your life,it or you !! And I bet if it's left up to you, your going on a lovely long eventful journey nothing is going to get in your way. I hope this helps in some small way and if you can give me a smile I'm sure it did. Thinking of you. Robbie138

in reply to Robbie138

Thank you for the kind words, every little helps x

I very rarely speak of my early life, but I will now because I want you to have hope. My Father died when I was 5 and I was raised by my Mother ,who was mentally unstable and abusive to me. No one was aware of this except my brother and me. There was nothing good in my life and I started hurting myself when I was 6 or7. No one paid any attention, this was the 1950 and people were unaware. Any way I survived. When I was in my 20 and starting to be in charge of my life wonderful things started to happen. I married, had children. went to college and had a teaching career, in that order and then an added joy in my life was grandchildren. Don't cheat yourself of that reward. I want you to know that I worked for all of that and paid a price for it. In my 20 the anxiety and depression started and have been with me off and on . It doesn't bother me much any more, I figured out it wasn't going to kill me and I learned to let it happen, acknowledge it and it would go away faster. If you want to you can have a good life. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Pam

in reply to

Thank you, I think now I need to find a way to get through it, it helps also to know that people have come through it and have still a for filled and happy life, I hope I find happiness and I'm glad to hear that you did.

Wintersbite profile image

Your older than me when I started I was 16 if remembering right if not 18 but mine is different not depression it's a side effect of my epilepsy meds I'm 35 now so plenty of lessons to learn what makes it come to the top and it's if I get a little bit down it starts do I want to do it no way I always call for an ambulance right after but I've never been on anti depression meds and I've been driven insane I've brought myself back with mainly the help of friends and family. This might make you lol or be like wow that's hard my last issue was 2015 and it was the last week for my chemo when it happened trust me the chemo was that bad i avoided it but all the other stuff no and my Dr said how could he trust me with my painkiller morphine I told him chill two reasons why he could trust me with it one is it's both a legal and illegal meds very addicted and I don't want that and two it's a liquid and I am a pill popper so no worries about that it's everything thing else on my list my Dr watches me closely and I'm his star patient at the moment and yet every time since I was about age 20 the shrinks say I'm mentally fit and able so that might explain how I had been driven insane but never treated for it

Stinkbug05 profile image

We are all here to listen and give good advice plus it helps us all knowing that we can all count on each other. Welcome to the forum☺

Jill76 profile image

You are not alone, we are here to help you. I don't know you but it hurts me so much because you are in similar situation as my 19yr old daughter. She od a couple weeks ago and when we were in the hospital I found out she's been in depression since middle school. I was devastated feeling helpless, first time trying to understand her pain, your pain. Your life does matter! She is on Zoloft for depression and Buspar for anxiety. She started council/ therapy this week, and seems to be better. For how long? I don't know, i am lost and still researching more to be able to help her and others like you. I wish you the best, therapy and meds do help. You will forever be in my prayers, you will be saved. Be strong babe, Xoxo❤️

burfcam profile image

Hi. I've had my depression all of my life. For me, it is a biological condition that has been made tolerable with meds and a good psychiatrist who understands the medical side of depression and is empathetic to how it manifests. There are different kinds of anti-depressants and can be combined in different ways. The brain is an organ like a heart, lungs or liver. It is amazingly complex and it is abundantly evident that it works differently for each individual. Some of us need supplements in what were lacking. I'm not saying anti-depressants are magic cure-all, but they can help with under-performing or over-performing brain function. When I finally got the right meds (the first ones made me feel worse, my doctor realized I needed x instead of y) the most striking change for me was how previously I lived under constant flight or fight reactions to everything, with my reaction being self-protection, run, hide, withdraw. with the meds I was able to talk to people whereas before I was constantly bracing myself for something bad. don't get me wrong, it isn't always flowers and rainbows. it is a lifelong condition, but knowing you are getting help and being involved in your mental health, recognizing it, confronting it and accepting 'yep, this is me' and taking care of yourself, doing something about it - that gives you strength. and if it gets too much, accept that and get help. this is still being the boss of your brain.

coatpin profile image

Sounds like its hormonal, mine started at a young age, but it seems your not on the right dose for you, ask for it to be increased, allow yourself time to ajust, if you feel better, or getting there but not quite, I think the socalled professionals have it wrong, you should have counselling for the way the drugs make you feel and how coping with that, and the effects of the tablets, so ask for a increase and see what happeneds. keep increasing till you have more of a positive effect. I was so ill for soooo long, problem was, I had ibs, and it effected my dose, imagine having the runs, so I needed more to be obsorbed into me, but that, after a while, your body gets used to the drug, so you have to have it raised, as you go into a slow decline. But I felt suicidal most of the time, and wanted to die. But I only felt like that, when they changed the medications to a different brand, so again something changed. When I had the increase in meds, I no longer felt suicidal. But when they swapped the brand in two days, I had that feeling back again, and was in floods of tears,,,, no reason but, I felt worthless, only thing that changed was the branding. They look at you crazy, but your not, they have different chemicals to fill up on, basic dose is the same, but they change a few bits. Your body Is very sensitive, eat well , and stay healthy, oh and if you want carbs, and sweets or chocolate that is also a sign that an increase is needed.

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