Moods: Overnight I received quite a few... - Mental Health Sup...

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Overnight I received quite a few messages welcoming me to the site and asking my advice (at 64 I am an old hand at dealing with bi-polar) and still standing.

There is a positive side to the illness. We are generally more creative and more sensitive than others. Finding an outlet for feelings is essential. (Writing and painting are my interests.) look outside your minds at the beautiful natural world around you. Burrowing deeper into your head is self destructive. Be interested in other people. Fake it at first when you are low, but you will become genuinely caring with time. But at the same time don't become too involved with others' problems if it affects your own peace of mind.

Physical exercise, especially out in the fresh air has been proved to lift the spirit. It's lovely sunny morning so I'm off for a brisk walk on the beach where I'll pick up shells, watch the birds and watch the light changing on the sea.

People with bi-polar FEEL things whereas others THINK. We are fortunate to possess a certain sensitivity which sends us into raptures of joy while others are taking stuff to give them 'highs'.

Nothing goes up without coming down so we have to endure the bad days too...but the don't last for ever.

Getting the right medication at the right levels for you is imperative for leading as stable a life as possible.

I've never been offered counselling (my swings were dangerously extreme so had to be treated with psychiatric drugs from the outset).

Last time I saw my consultant he said bi-polar appears to be on the increase as the spectrum has become larger. Mild mood swings can be diagnosed nowadays as bi-polar disorder.

But self esteem is certainly at the centre of the problem. Don't think of yourself as are different but you are SPECIAL. You have lots to offer the world because you think and feel in a special way. Communication is the key. Put your thoughts, ideas, feelings...however the mood takes you...into words, on paper, as drawings, paintings etc. But get out of that darkness inside your head.

I'm off on my walk now to put into practice what I've been preaching. I'm defying that voice inside my own head which wants me to curl up in a darkened room and shut the world out.

That old song has popped into my head:

'When you're smiling the whole work smiles with you......

When you're crying you bring on the rain....stop your crying

Be happy again'

Plan tonight what you hope to achieve tomorrow but don't be hard on yourself if you fail. A structure to your day will give a routine and more sense to the passing of your time.

At the end of this 'sort of sermon' I am looking forward to another cup of tea, my walk, boiled eggs, meeting friends at a painting group followed by a quiet afternoon.

Look forward not back. No point in regrets at what we could have been (my illness robbed me of a career is true, but a negative statement.) Rather, my unique mind and personal circumstances enable me to sit here and send a message out to my new friends out there. Now THAT is a positive statement.

Love to you all. Thanks again for welcoming me to the site.

Hope something I've said can help.

Jan x (aka Hilo)

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6 Replies

HI Jan, My what a wonderful and inspiring post and how brave you are to face your illness down and to see the positives. I know there are quite a few famous creative people with bi-polar such as Stephen Fry who is great.

We are all unique and - just had to get up to see what my cat had knocked over this time as just heard a crash. He is the clumsiest cat in the world. :O

As I was saying we are all unique and the secret is to find the way to live with yourself and like yourself despite your illness, or maybe because of it. Our quirks are what makes us tick and that's ok.

I think you are brilliant and a great asset to the site. Thank you.

Love Bev xx

Photogeek profile image

Hi Jan that's a lovely Post, you sound very motivated for sure, I find it

Can be hard for me to do the things I want to do, such as Painting or Crafts even though I love them, I find it hard to do them, I had a Bi Polar friend and I did

Feel that her BiPolar was very different from my Depression. Lol. She too

Was always full of the " joys" and enthusiastic. I wish I could be like that.

I like walking too , especially if it's the beach. What sort of painting do you do Jan?

I like Watercolours, today I might even do a bit of painting.

Thanks again for the Post and I think you are great.

Have. Great weekend.

Hannah xx

in reply to Photogeek

Hi Hannah,

Yes, it is the motivation to do anything that's the hardest part. Getting your paints, cooking ingredients, garden implements together really takes lots of strength of mind and sense of purpose.

Your friend and you should join your moods together in a pot. You'd probably end up with one calm, motivated, stable person. (Probably a very boring person!)

Watercolours are my favourite, too. It would be good to hear that you have had another go at painting when you next write.

Speak soon,

Jan x

Hello Jan. Just to say, what an amazing, interesting and inspiring post you have written.

in reply to

Hi Myranda. Thanks for your kind words regarding my post. Mood swings are really hard to live with and difficult too for our loved ones. But I try to look at the positive side of life as when I am well I know that life is wonderful.

They say we have to suffer to appreciate happiness to the full...poles apart again! It's all about balance, isn't it? Some people are lucky. They seem to be on the same level all the time. But thank goodness We are all different.

Thanks again for your reply.

Jan X

Thank you for your reply, Jan.

How are you?

I will reply further to your post shortly, as I am not in the best of places emotionally at this time.

I hope that you have a good day X

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