Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for September 2016

Low blood pressure

As part of his PD my husband suffers with low blood pressure. Can anyone give an...
Kevin60 profile image


What pain killers do people take for muscle stiffness? I get it bad in my back a...

Does taking fish oil help.

I ran out of fish oil and did take it for 2 weeks. I notice i was very tired in ...
Bailey_Texas profile image
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snore- solution

anyone tried this ?
snorre profile image


Sinemet made my stiffness and dystonia (that thing that makes you feel like you'...
Beckey profile image

Stiff from not moving at night

Since there are so many posts about sleep problems I'm adding this suggestion fr...

What medications or natural alternatives

I was diagnosed a year ago and have left side tremors and stiffness but now fati...
Dede65 profile image

Placebo effect or medication effect?

I've been taking Sinemet for almost a month now and Azilect for a week, and my s...


I know they are common in PD but I swear this one dream last night I woke up sev...
Bonnie51462 profile image

Sleep Help

I have had trouble sleeping. Would go to sleep and then wake up about 2 and be...
cshamb profile image

Parkinson's Hallucinations?

My husband has times when he sees things that aren't there or will state or ask...
Hidden profile image

My dad

Hi every one I need some help. My dad has Parkinsons it very hard to see him get...
jackie90 profile image

Muucuna pruriance forum

Thanks all the followers of the forum It gave me a lot of information and confi...
ruthgt profile image

Too many supplements and vitamins ?

Along with the many supplements I take, I'm also taking regular multivitamins e...
AmmieM profile image

mucana capsule dosage

i have had PD for about 16 years. I have never been on Sinemet, except for a co...
maryalice profile image


Has your medication helped with general slowness? I noticed a slowness in movin...

Vaccine Against Key Parkinson's Target

study results support the continued development of a vaccine against the key Par...
Hidden profile image

Dat Scan?

When I asked my Neurologist about a Dat Scan he said I would have to find a tria...

Meds are killing her!

Would like to learn more about Parkinson's. My mom has been fighting it for 2 ye...
Wheatgirl53 profile image

Coconut oil and parkinsons

My husband has Parkinson's, has been diagnosed for 5 years. Someone said that c...
hali1957 profile image

Perspective on the Gut and Parkinson's Disase

PERSPECTIVE on Gut and Parkinson’s Recently there have been some Posts on indic...
BillDavid profile image

Dietary Factors

Here, we critically review findings on the association of dietary groups, vitam...
Hidden profile image

Jaw chattering

One of my symptoms is jaw chattering and I was wondering if this is common for P...

Feeling electric shocks

Hello all something new that just atarted my husband is now feeling shocks in hi...
Marg52 profile image


The neurologist I saw today said that Azilect will slow the PD progression but i...

Chains & Pains

Chains & Pains When I wake I can not move no matter what you may think I can do...
openbook profile image

Body pain not a symptom of PD?

Today was my first appointment with the Neurologist. He gave me a regular neuro...

Rallying to the Challenge 2016, Grand Rapids, Michigan

It would be wonderful to see Parkinson's advocates in the Michigan area at Park...
CPT_Helen profile image

Comtan increasing off times

Just started taking Comtan (along with usual sinemet) and find my off-times are...
Dylpup profile image


What is ET?
Shanemd1 profile image