Hi. I just had a colonoscopy to try and diagnose an episode recently where I had v&d at food poisoning level which caused bleeding. Following initial tests my fecal calprotectin came back at 780 with high ferritin, low folate and a positive qfit at 14.
The colonoscopy picked up patchy inflammation diagnosed as proctitis and some internal haemorrhoids. The rest of it was clear but they took a number of biopsies. Unfortunately they couldn’t complete the colonoscopy as I was in too much pain when they tried to view the final third despite increased sedation. Last Friday I had a follow up capsule colonoscopy to try and view the final section and I should get the results in about 2 weeks.
So from what I’ve seen of proctitis it tends to be contained in one area and doesn’t cause systemic reactions or vomiting etc. whereas in my case I regularly get severe acid reflux and will vomit up acid liquid - it’s difficult to describe but I’m being sick but not from my stomach. I’ll retch and bring up/cough up clear and fluffy fluid sometimes with small lumps in. I regularly get bad nausea as well. When I have the incidents where I bleed in particular (previously thought to be dysentery) I’m properly vomiting and then full heaving for up to 18 hours before it stops. I have other times that I’ve thought are food poisoning that I now think are related where I’m being sick as well. I’m not totally sure but from what I’ve read this seems to fit more with more widespread IBD rather than being contained as proctitis?
When I was referred for tests it was meant to be on a 2 week urgent referral but my gp messed up and failed to send it in for 2 weeks. Further delays with bank holidays meant that from when I was ill and had the calprotectin tests etc to the first colonoscopy it was almost 6 weeks later and my stomach had gone back to my level of normal. Obviously I’ll get a better picture once the results come back and I finally see a consultant but I wondered if more widespread IBD would leave any visible after effects if the flare has gone down and the inflammation has calmed down? I’ll be happy for it to be proctitis as from what I’ve read it seems slightly easier to treat but I’m worried whether a flare could have died down without leaving anything visible so the rest of my bowel looks ok but it’s misleading. It could be the consultant will take this into account anyway but I’m making sure I know where I am before I see them so that I’m in the best position to discuss possibilities if they don’t.
Many thanks for any advice.