I had my first flare up in 2006 and was diagnosed with collagenous colitis following a colonoscopy. I was prescribed medicine but do not remember which one. I had subsequent flare ups which were treated with Entocort and Olestyr (cholestyramine). I am presently dealing with a 4th flare up which started 5 months ago and is being treated with Entocort/Olestyr/Imodium without success so far. Had a colonoscopy in November 2021 during which a biopsy was taken, the report of which indicated a negative diagnostic for active inflammation and celiac disease. However, I still experience colitis symptoms such as daily bouts of diarrhea and abdominal distension. I am presently awaiting to talk to my gastroenterologist regarding the biopsy report and the way forward considering the ongoing symptoms. I am trying to cut on potential triggers such as dairy products but I'd ideally prefer to go into remission by using other potential medication. Has anyone experienced the same symptoms?
New user - Here's my ongoing issues - Crohn's and Colit...
New user - Here's my ongoing issues

Hi, I was also diagnosed with colangenous colitis about 6yrs ago and was prescribed steroids to settle it..however I have since found that if I take pysillium husk, a natural product, it works very well for me .
Hi there Maisywhippet. Thanks for your response. Do you then take psyllium husk while having a flare or when on remission? I got my biopsy report this week and it indicates an accumulation of while cells in the colon, which would point out to lymphocytic colitis, which would explain my ongoing diarrhea. I have a followup appointment with my gastroenterologist next month so I'll see what he prescribes considering Entocort is clearly not inducing a remission this time around.
I usually take it at the start of a flare,but as I’m on octasa maintenance dose for U/C...I have been told to up the dose of those as my first line of defence. But the psyllium husk worked very well for me before and gastro consultant at that time said great news, so may be worth a try for you. Good luck.